    What percentage of the worlds top scientist believe in climate change aka global warming?

    +1  Views: 230 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    I enjoy intellectual bickering back and forth and I don’t get passionately pro or con. Its all a work in process and things generally work out no matter what anyone thinks. But there are opportunities in the midst of all this tempest that should not be overlooked. Those who see ending the use of fuel oil as a necessary action welcome the production of autos that are electric, have superior fuel economy and promote fuel efficient transportation. Debunkers of global warming seek to keep big gas guzzling vehicles and open their windows to let the excess heat out of their homes on a cold day. 

    I tend to side with the conservatives who seek to get around the use of oil because their position promotes innovation and lower costs. My greatest cost is heating oil so I’m looking to reduce my heating bills and have been measuring options in that direction with success. The problem of Global Warming may or may not be real, either way I am responsible for me and not the rise in temperature in the polar regions. 

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