    who made god?

    *(Personal information removed by Moderator Ducky)*

    +1  Views: 670 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    our trust and belief..

    The eventuation of being-ness occurs in space in a similar way as clouds form in our skies here and on a vast scale. These vast areas of space containing the potential of organization merge and diminish over an over and within those systems of arrangement, order and disorder serve as models forming the origin of intelligent thinking and being. All systems of chaos eventually show signs of order just as when looking for order in everything, we find all of the order that reflects our own being-ness. In finding reflected order all around us we can only accept that we are created by a highly eventuated being of great intelligence to conceive of producing the lifeforms we are aware of here and recognise a source...we call God. We have so very many questions that are attempts to understand the will and ways of God that we developed religions as framework for discovery and then art and science, phylosophy and more. Without these pidgin holes of understanding we would all be awestruck by the grander of it all and accomplish nothing throughout the course of our lives. When I asked God about this, I was told "You need do nothing." ...and as My wife says" I'll tell you what to do."  

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