    Should I just give up or try to reconcile the friendship?

    Kinda freaked when I saw him with someone. Figured it was just a matter of time before he wouldn't have any time for our friendship. Went off the deep end and created awkwardness. Really will miss the friend, but feeling that I'll survive (as I always have).

    +4  Views: 545 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    How about having a wait and see attitude.  Give him some time.  I'm sure he'll be back.  Send him some text messages to see how he's doing.



    Thank you for your answer. We did talk out the misunderstanding and are still friends. It is getting easier to not have that little extra feeling I had for him and just appreciate the friendship (which will last way longer than a romance would have)!

    no u are not wierd. Butt i do love your honesty and style


    If you can picture me with a "wry smile", that's what is going on at this moment. You will always get honesty from me, toned down sometimes, but always honest! Now I am smiling. Looking for questions you have asked!
    And the funny thing with this "friend" is that he is probably not going to be seriously involved with anyone for a very, very long time, if ever.
    NEXT! lol

    " And the funny thing with this "friend" is that he is probably not going to be seriously involved with anyone for a very, very long time, if ever " .... OH NO , dont tell me that you have him tied up somewhere. LOL ... i can also imagine just what that smile looks like on you.

    being jealous is a very hard thing to overcome . I wish you the best of everything


    Being stupid is tough, too. We got through the storm and have salvaged most of the friendship, which is what we should have kept it at in the first place. As time passes, I am finding more to not like about him and that makes me sad. I still love my friend, but............. am I weird?

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