    i cannot walk for long only few minutes my life is over always in pain what shall i do i am only 53 years old

    i made a triple bypass one year ago

    +3  Views: 1270 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    Yes, I definitely understand how you feel...I too am in chronic pain...sometimes you have to deal with it as the alternative definitely sucks..if you get my meaning here...I along with being in constant pain have to deal with severe skin cancer all over my body and the ensuing surgeries that I have to go through...I am scared to death and don't know if I can deal with any more is what you make it...if you have people who love you stay alive for them...I know that nobody can understand another's pain unless they walk a mile in their shoes...sites such as these will take your mind off of the pain and that's a good thing! I hope for the best for you and I do understand!

    That has to be the most helful answer... and the bravest. You have a lot of courage. Admitting fear & going on anyway is courage,
    ole hipster

    Thank you my friend!
    I have the same problem, Stellar, my back will not let me stand or walk for more than a few minutes, and when I walk even just to the mailbox, my hips start to feel like they are going to pull out of the sockets, and my back starts to feel like it is pulling apart, too. Agony! I have to sit down on something quickly or literally will have to sit on the ground. It feels like I am actually being pulled apart, that's the only way to describe I get winded really fast, and my hands are very stiff and painful, especially in winter. I cannot even close them. Am on Janumet, Lisinopril, Simvistatin, and Lantus insulin, as of 1 year ago when I was put into the hospital for a week due to an allergic reaction to a Brown Recluse bite. That's when they found out about my Diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol, and insisted on setting me up with a doctor to monitor me and run more tests.

    My back had started killing me about 6 years ago and has gotten progressively worse. I used to think it was weight-related until I lost 60 pounds in 2009, and saw that it still was getting worse. I can no longer do the housework that I want to, and the most basic housework I do has to be done in several very short spurts, then I am really, really sore for days. I used to be very active, always going somewhere or working in the yard, working on the house all the time, and on my feet all day doing a full time job, but now all I can do is sit. That is the only time my back does not kill me.

    After I stand or walk for only a couple of minutes, my back starts to hurt SO bad, and feels like it is going to pull me apart! Agony! Then I absolutely HAVE to sit down. That is my worst problem, functionally. That is why I no longer go anywhere, I am always afraid there will be no place to sit, and I don't know how far or how long I will have to stand or walk. Bending over is horrible, and 1/2-bending is even worse. It is hell to try to wash my hair in the shower anymore...I have to sit on the side of the tub in the other bathroom and use the extension. I cannot vacuum but one room in one day, each one several days apart because of the soreness for days afterward, and have to do it in several spurts. Have to load and unload the dishwasher while leaning on something to take pressure off my back. Even taking a bath and wiping is an agonizing chore. I can no longer work in the yard except to side the riding mower. Trimming and weeding and digging is out, etc. Can't even chop vegetables or cap strawberries without having to sit at the table to do it. It is pathetic, and I feel like I can't do anything anymore. It has ruined my life.

    I had not worked since March of 2005, and just applied for disability after my husband left me at the end of October in 2010. I would only be illegible for a bit over $700, which isn't much, but better than nothing, I guess. They said I missed the 5-year deadline, which I did not know about, and that I don't have enough history or proof about my back, (that is because of money)so I went to the doctor. They did x-rays on my back and a blood test, prescribed pain pills, and said I have arthritis in my back and that I need physical therapy, (but I have to hold off until after the divorce because of the money issue), and that my iron is high, so to come back in and get re-tested, which I will do tomorrow. The disability case is ongoing, and my lawyer that is doing the divorce is going to help on the SSD, too.

    I have not been able to pick up the pain pills yet because I am always out of money, so I wonder if there is an agency that helps people get their medicine if they cannot afford the out-of-pocket, even though they have insurance? My husband tries to keep the bills paid while the divorce progresses, but he only gives me $150 a month or less, which he thinks will cover my medicines, diabetic supplies, gasoline, household items my EBT card won't cover, cat food and litter, etc. He is nuts! The $150 barely covers my meds and supplies which are $120 a month out of pocket. The house is in need of many repairs, including the A/C unit which is burned up and needing a complete replacement, and he won't get anything fixed, so I am about to die in the heat. Cannot imagine how it will be in this house in June, July, and August! I am at the end of my rope, and don't even feel like I have a reason to get out of bed anymore. If it were not for my son, I would just end it. This is no way to live.

    I know what that is all about, keep moving as much as you can and you should get stronger. Life's not over yet, look for things you can do and get a hobby, I took up photography and computers learn all you can about what interest you, if your religious prayer has got me through allot.
    Headless Man

    I was 47 when life as I knew it ended, I'm 63 now and going strong.

    All good advice. The secret is to keep busy and be too bloody-minded to give up... and sure she can pray. So can we... I'll add you to my list Stellar
    to stellar... although i don't know you god certainly does, my thoughts and prayers are with you
    Exactly what I do. Take the strongest painkillers your doctor or consultant will prescribe and forget it... or more interestingly, given the heart problem as well... show everybody the pills with the side-effect warning "drop dead". I have a friend on those, & he hasn't yet. Life is for living and nobody said it was easy. Check out Diedie and see what he's trying tio cope with. He'll break your heart.
    hi stellar, hipster, and all. i too have chronic pain. i'd like to be able to discuss it right here. my problem is that i don't know how to get to this particular place.
    my pain varies from day to day. i take methadone. it's about the best for chronic pain. once you start taking it you probably should never go off of it. before you take it you will have mri's and x'rays to prove that you really do need such a medication.
    yep stellar ... where are you?
    ole hipster

    Wow, I didn't realize how many of the people who come to this site are in chronic pain...quite a few I is nice to know there are others like myself and hearing how they cope is great and heartening! (:
    Hey Stellar...where are you?...comment back OK, okay? tough...only the strong survive so be strong..don't make any of us worry please.
    Stellar, you are very quiet. Are you okay? It was a tough question to ask and you're getting what look like conflicting answers. I don't think they are really. We are all, in different ways, saying you hold the key to your own future. You have had a serious operation and it takes time to recover, but the results are usually excellent. The problem with something like that is needing to rest. That's when joints stiffen... muscles ache. You do need to push them to work, but I don't go through agony making that effort and I don't see why you should. The friend I mentioned on the long-term treatment also exercises and watches his diet, as do I. Take care, and if you are watching the answers, let us know you're okay... please... and ask anything else you need to.
    You have to keep moving all the joints that you can. Pain will not kill you but to many pain killers will ,it will effect your liver and then you really will be in trouble, Ask your dr. for exercises you can do and give it a try. Just five minutes at a time untill you can do more and more. They have groups you can join ask your caregiver about them.

    The deadly painkiller is the most common one, Parcetamol, & no doctor would prescribe that for long-term use. There are others, and she shouldn't be afraid to take them. I did say PRESCRIBED.

    Prescribed or not you have to monitor them closely. I agree with taking Med's but you must try to keep mobile as much as you can or you will see the day when you can't do anything you want to do. It has taken my spouse over three years to be able to walk from the parking lot into a store. After knee surgery, arthritus took over his body and the pain was so great, the Dr. were giving him lots of Meds. He hurt so bad he couldn't lay down or stand up. With help he has come back. Can't give up especially that young.
    I have the same problem, Stellar, I just turned 56 and my back will not let me stand or walk for more than a few minutes, and when I walk even just to the mailbox, my hips start to feel like they are going to pull out of the sockets, and my back starts to feel like it is pulling apart, too. Agony! I have to sit down on something quickly or literally will have to sit on the ground. It feels like I am actually being pulled apart, that's the only way to describe I get winded really fast, and my hands are very stiff and painful, especially in winter. I cannot even close them. Am on Janumet, Lisinopril, Simvistatin, and Lantus insulin, as of 1 year ago when I was put into the hospital for a week due to an allergic reaction to a Brown Recluse bite. That's when they found out about my Diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol, and insisted on setting me up with a doctor to monitor me and run more tests.

    My back had started killing me about 6 years ago and has gotten progressively worse. I used to think it was weight-related until I lost 60 pounds in 2009, and saw that it still was getting worse. I can no longer do the housework that I want to, and the most basic housework I do has to be done in several very short spurts, then I am really, really sore for days. I used to be very active, always going somewhere or working in the yard, working on the house all the time, and on my feet all day doing a full time job, but now all I can do is sit. That is the only time my back does not kill me.

    After I stand or walk for only a couple of minutes, my back starts to hurt SO bad, and feels like it is going to pull me apart! Agony! Then I absolutely HAVE to sit down. That is my worst problem, functionally. That is why I no longer go anywhere, I am always afraid there will be no place to sit, and I don't know how far or how long I will have to stand or walk. Bending over is horrible, and 1/2-bending is even worse. It is hell to try to wash my hair in the shower anymore...I have to sit on the side of the tub in the other bathroom and use the extension. I cannot vacuum but one room in one day, each one several days apart because of the soreness for days afterward, and have to do it in several spurts. Have to load and unload the dishwasher while leaning on something to take pressure off my back. Even taking a bath and wiping is an agonizing chore. I can no longer work in the yard except to side the riding mower. Trimming and weeding and digging is out, etc. Can't even chop vegetables or cap strawberries without having to sit at the table to do it. It is pathetic, and I feel like I can't do anything anymore. It has ruined my life.

    I had not worked since March of 2005, and just applied for disability after my husband left me at the end of October in 2010. I would only be illegible for a bit over $700, which isn't much, but better than nothing, I guess. They said I missed the 5-year deadline, which I did not know about, and that I don't have enough history or proof about my back, (that is because of money)so I went to the doctor. They did x-rays on my back and a blood test, prescribed pain pills, and said I have arthritis in my back and that I need physical therapy, (but I have to hold off until after the divorce because of the money issue), and that my iron is high, so to come back in and get re-tested, which I will do tomorrow. The disability case is ongoing, and my lawyer that is doing the divorce is going to help on the SSD, too.

    I have not been able to pick up the pain pills yet because I am always out of money, so I wonder if there is an agency that helps people get their medicine if they cannot afford the out-of-pocket, even though they have insurance? My husband tries to keep the bills paid while the divorce progresses, but he only gives me $150 a month or less, which he thinks will cover my medicines, diabetic supplies, gasoline, household items my EBT card won't cover, cat food and litter, etc. He is nuts! The $150 barely covers my meds and supplies which are $120 a month out of pocket. The house is in need of many repairs, including the A/C unit which is burned up and needing a complete replacement, and he won't get anything fixed, so I am about to die in the heat. Cannot imagine how it will be in this house in June, July, and August! I am at the end of my rope, and don't even feel like I have a reason to get out of bed anymore. If it were not for my
    son, I would just end it. This is no way to live.

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