    Who is interested in a piano Heintzman made in 1900 in very good condition?

    0  Views: 251 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    This is the second posting of this..

    Heintzman Piano made in Ontario-- I have the pierce Piano atlas sitting next to me, there are several Heintman piano companies, including one in Germany, my guess is that this is more likely Canada.

    You say its in very good condition, so I will assume you are a piano technician and can verify your claim. reason I am saying this is that pianos that are that old is the same as a person being the same age.. There's no way that this piano is in 'very good condition as it is 111 years old.. trust me, its not in good condition unless it was completely rebuilt.

    Many people call me and say they want me to buy their old piano, when i find out it is this old I'll have nothing to do with it as it cost more to go get it than what it would sell for.. Many times people move out of their home and leave it for the next owners and they think someone left them a golden egg.. No its not..

    I wish you the best though, its just too old.. They make nice antique desks though, remove all the wires (strings) and hammers and action assembly..

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