    my baby girl was MURDER by her X boyfriend she had 2 babys 1 was 7 weeks old & the other was 1 year old they dont get any BENEFITS becouse she never worked she was only 19 .he STABED TO DEATH .but now he is saying he didnt do it allhe mite get is 5 to 99 unless he takes a plead he can get 10 years !!! what do you think of that !!my baby is gone & her lil.girls dont have there mommy now SO SO SAD !!! THANK YOU TAMMY KERR

    this happend in F.T WORTH TEXAS

    0  Views: 640 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    WoW so sad, sorry to hear that

    thank you Andrew
    I think that's sad. I also think there are some government benefits programs to help with the needs of the children. Check into it.

    Sorry for your loss and the children's loss as well.

    thank you so much Colleen i haveboth of her babys but every one i have talk to tell me no they cant HELP THEM

    Start with welfare go from there. They may be eligible for more as their mom was murdered and the government is responsible for all it's citizens and even for crimes against them. Do you have legal custody of them?

    yes i do have legal custody i have all ways work i am a nurse and was in school when this all happen but i am not working right now we just now got food stamps for the girls but that is all we can get

    Very sorry to hear of your family's tragedy. If Social Security is unable to help, then you need to talk with your state's department of human services. You also need a case manager to be assgned you, in order for them to guide you through the process of getting financial assistance for your grandchildren. Legally, you might have to adopt them, or be named their legal guardian. But, those childrens' every need will be taken care of. But, you need for social services to assgn you a case manager to help you through everything to cover the needs of these children.

    OUR PRAYERS GO OUT TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. This just how screwed-up our society and court system are. But, YES you need to apply for survivors benefits through SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN>

    @dad59 .. i did try that and SS. they said no to becouse my baby girl never work !!! its sad.but thank you i will keep trying maybe i will get some where to help the babys

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