    Pizza? What's your favorite toppings, pizza place, or Type of crust?

    I love pizza, I would marry pizza if it were alive and a woman. What's your favorite kind of pizza?

    +3  Views: 2989 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    Great topic,pizza is my favorite food,my husband and I love the Hawaiian pizza,I've been doing the papa johns thing lately, but I'm dying for a classic deli style,just looking for the right place.Haven't had any luck though.:(


    Thanks, I love the mom and pop's type places, but If I go to a big company I usually choose Pizza Hut, I love their pan pizza, but I know it's not good for me, I just need to have it every once and a while.

    11 Answers

    Papa johns has the very best pizza ever. I love extra sauce, extra cheese, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, pineapple, black olives, canadian bacon, oh and did I mention extra sauce ......


    There's no way that your part Italian is there? lol

    Could be don't know but I sure love Italian food and pizza and all that LOL

    Has anybody ever had a white pizza.


    In Ohio I had some, great state for pizza by the way. It was just some white sauce with spinach, banana peppers, and raw tomatoes. Was really good.

    I love PMS (pepperoni,mushrooms,sausage) with cashews. Cashews are so good on a pizza, Yummy.

    Yes, I know the lingo, we used to laugh when people ordered a PMS pizza, or we would make sure to get it there on time, just to be safe.

    well almost all the time wheni order a pizza and say PMS they look at me stupid, Must be the small town I live in


    Well, I noticed all of these other pizza questions and remembered I asked this one a while back...

    I forgot to mention my favorite pizza toppings are peperoni and mushrooms.

    My second choice would be real ground beef, mushrooms, and onions.

    Favorite crust is Pizza Hut's pan pizza crust, or thicker mid west type pizza, not N.Y. style thin crust.

    The great thing about pizza is that there are so many different ways to make it. It's one of the worlds most versatile foods. You can eat it anytime of day, it can be hot or cold, and the different styles are only limited by your imagination or taste.

    Wow Darci, you really like that sauce, I think it' a little to much on the sweet side, although I do like he the freshness of their ingredients. Gotta give you a t.u. for your passion.

    Has anybody ever bought the pizza dough only and fried it at home, it's great with powdered sugar.
    Kinda like the fried dough you can buy at the county fair.

    When I was in high school I worked at a few different pizzaria's, My favorite toppings at night are Pepperoni and mushrooms. Yum!

    For a breakfast pizza I like eggs, ham, and bacon, sometimes I add sausage and green peppers too.

    My fave is normal ol red suase with spinich... But i cant get it where I am.... So peperoni, canadian bacon and mushrooms is my 2nd choice,

    If you want great pizza come to New York City. P.S- enough of this fancy/smancy stuff. Just give me some sausage on mine and I'm good to go.

    Mushrooms, Chicken, Spinach, and Broccoli


    Huh, sounds good, the cool thing about pizza is you can put almost anything on it, it's so versatile. t.u. to your comment.

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