    How can you put a picture in the question area? or can you?

    I have a question; do you have to convert a pic to a certain type of file, etc.? could you give me a step by step? thanks for your help.

    0  Views: 1971 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: question help

    <a href="/users/1635/leeroy/">@leeroy</a> - When you type in your question, you will see "B" "I", etc. on this toolbar at the end is a shaded box, click on it, a box will appear, where it says, "choose file" click on it, then you can browse on your computer for pictures. This is how you upload pictures from your computer.

    Hope I was helpful!!!

    ole hipster

    IamPamela...I love your computer literacy...the above was very helpful and right to the point! (:

    7 Answers

    alt text

    Thanks Randy. Resizing is the key. jpg @ 150X150



    Well apparently jpegs don't work.

    alt text


    <a href="/users/1111/randy-palmer/">@Randy Palmer</a> - You said your losing your head doing this. Did you lose your head like the above photo? lol!!!

    Headless Man

    Now the larger didn't load, just the smaller, I losing my head trying to do

    Headless Man

    OK, just make sure your photo is .jpg format and smaller than most photos I'm guessing 150K or smaller. I you don't know you may need a program to resize and change format.
    I use a Mac and I use GraphicConverter I believe you can get it for a PC also. I'm sure some PC user will let you know.

    Headless Man

    If you don't see a photo after loading one reload the page. On mine one will show up then the other, sometimes both.

    Headless Man


    Headless Man

    YES, exactly!

    alt text

    Headless Man

    It said .jpg but apparently smaller than 129K. Will try again.

    Headless Man

    Worked after reloading, I put up a smaller one also.

    As most of you know there is a small icon beneath, Your answer, it's a small square box the 6th icon from the left. That is what worked for me, also the re sizing is important too. Thank you all for your help. I will leave this question open for the new people.

    This may be a dumb question, but for those who don't know what the text button looks like, how would you describe it to them ?


    <a href="/users/1635/leeroy/">@leeroy</a> - Maybe using the "icon" button. lol!!!


    Thanks to everyone hopefully this will help us all.

    Testing the picture upload.

    alt text

    most digital cameras and imaging devices that interface with your computer will automatically create a file extention which identifies the file as an image. I 'go with the flow' in that I allow the device to create it's native extension but some devices will ask what type of file extention you want to assign to the photo you are sending to your computer.

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