    Can anxiety appear for the irst time and then disappear never coming back?

    +2  Views: 614 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    You may have one or two panic attacks and never  experience another. Or you may have attacks once a month or several  times each week. For some people they seem to come without warning and strike at random. See your doctor if they become unmanageable.


    Good information here....

    Panic attacks 'Anxiety'  can be a strange thing. I have it when doing public speaking, yet I can perform music and have a microphone in front of me all night long and it doesn't affect me.

    I fly quite a bit, more so in the past than now as my profession required it. I have never had a fear of flying, until about 6 years ago boarding a plane, it was full of passengers, we sat on the tarmac for about 45 minutes as they were checking out a problem.  During this time, they shut down the A/C all systems were shut down, it got really warm and stuffy, the flight attendants were not allowed under regulations to open the door once the plane was pushed off so we sat there.  At that time I had a panic attack, I didn't 'act it out' but I was in great fear that I had no control over the situation, I felt claustrophobic.  shaking from limb to limb and broke out in a cold sweat.  I put my head down and when the plane's engines started up, the A/C came on and we were moving, it all went away.   Since then, I have been stuck on the ground a couple more times but it never came back.  


    Yup.that's a panic attack.

    Here is some information I found when I searched, "Can anxiety be cured permanently?"

    Question: Can Panic Disorder Be Permanently Cured?

    People with panic disorder frequently want to know if there is any technique or medication that can completely rid them of symptoms. The truth is that panic disorder can never be entirely cured. However, it can be effectively managed to the point that it no longer significantly impairs your life.

    One reason why no one can claim to have a cure is because panic disorder varies greatly from person to person. What works for one panic suffer may not be effective at all for another. Even though there is not a magic bullet to wipe out every case of panic, through treatment, patience, and persistence, you can find what methods help you handle this disorder. Listed below are the most common sources for coping with panic disorder.


    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    A mental health professional can assist you in developing ways to change your thinking and behaviors that allows for lasting relief. There are different types of psychotherapy that have been shown to be helpful in panic disorder. One of these, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or simply CBT, is a therapeutic method that includes learning ways to relax, change unhelpful thinking patterns, manage stress, and increase self-confidence in an effort to cope with panic disorder.

    Progressive or gradual exposure is another CBT technique used by therapists to slowly introduce a patient to their fears and panic followed by teaching them to relax while they experience anxiety. For example, if your panic is induced by driving on a freeway, your therapist may have you begin by simply imaging cars driving on s freeway. You will then be instructed to keep this image in mind as he or she guides you into noticing your tension. This focus on uneasy feelings is followed by guided attention to relaxing the body and mind all why keeping the worrisome image in mind. Over a number of sessions, the therapist will progressively increase your exposure to your fear, such as visualizing yourself driving on the freeway, to actually being a passenger in a car on the freeway, to eventually driving the car yourself. While moving step-by-step through these changes, you will continue to learn how to remain calm and mange feelings of panic.


    There are numerous self-help resources out there that address issues related to anxiety and panic disorder. These guides are intended to provide you with information on ways to manage panic on your own. Typical self-help strategies include:

    • Relaxation techniques, such as stretching and breathing

    • Positive affirmations and self-talk

    • Creating peaceful and reassuring visualizations

    • Journaling and other writing exercises

    • Using creative art methods to express feelings

    • Proper nutrition and exercise

    • Transforming one’s negative belief system to more constructive and optimistic views

    • Lifestyle recommendations, such as getting enough sleep and limiting the use of caffeine


    Treating panic disorder with medication is often recommended when symptoms persist despite one’s best efforts to control them through therapy and self-help strategies. Medication may also be suggested when panic disorder has become so extreme that it impacts someone's functioning. Medication may be prescribed for more limited periods of time and likely will not need to be taken forever.

    Medical professionals, such as a family physician or psychiatrist, will typically prescribe anantidepressant for panic disorder. A class of antidepressants known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRI’s, are usually prescribed. These SSRI’s include Fluoxetine (Prozac), Sertraline (Zoloft), Paroxetine (Paxil), and Citalopram (Celexa). They can relieve feelings of anxiety and can reduce any depression symptoms, which often co-exists with panic disorder.

    Naturally, these medications will have some drawbacks. Some common side effects include, sexual dysfunction, weight changes, and sleep issues. If you are considering antidepressants, be sure to review the possible side-effects and potential concerns with your doctor. Antidepressants can take around 2 to 4 weeks to start working and they cannot be discontinued abruptly. When you are ready to discontinue use, your doctor will need to slowly take you off of the prescription by steadily decreasing your dosage.

    Benzodiazepines tranquilizers are another class of drugs that are also used to ease anxiety and alleviate panic. Alprazolam (Xanax), Lorazepam (Ativan) and Clonazepam (Klonopin) are frequently prescribed for panic sufferers to provide immediate reduction in anxiety symptoms. There is some potential for abuse with these medications. Such medications are also recognized to create a tolerance, meaning that over time, higher doses will be needed in order to get the same effects. Another difficulty with these medications is that once a person is taken off of them, their anxiety can actually come back even worse than ever before. Your possible questions and concerns should always be discussed with your doctor before beginning any prescription.

    In closing, there is not one approach that will work for everyone. Give different methods a try to determine what works for you. Even though there is not a cure, you can still experience long-term improvements by finding the right combination of treatment that is effective for you.




    Isn't that a Canadian Red Tail fish?

    Nathan, I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but once you start having panic or anxiety attacks.They usaully come back again. This, having been spoken by someone that starting having them in the 1th grade!!  Had them off and on, till I was  52.Then, finally got on some medications..

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