    I have the strongly pain in my beck (esspecialy in the morning)

    I'm young to have it. How I can treat this??

    +2  Views: 478 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    You could be sleeping on a bad mattress. Or maybe it's how you sleep (your position).


    How can I control my position when I'm sleeping?

    I have allways suffered with my back and I have had phisio and it was alright for a time but alwys came back I have now  Memory Foam matress for two years and there is no more tears they are exspencive but worth every penny check out the website they come in all different prices and now they do a Memory Foam Topper just put it on your existing Matress good luck


    Mel, is the memory foam topper, sort of like the sleep number mattress? :-)

    Hi Pamela the topper (memory foam) they do have numbers its to do with the dencesity or the thickness they are cheaper than buying the full matress and I belive they do the same job I was told my one of the manufactures that if a memory foam gets delivered rolled up its the cheap version and if it gets delivered flat its the best, check them out on the website you will find that the prices do vary they even sell them on ebay loads of love mel oxooxo

    Thanks Mel! xoxoxo

    Sounds like your matress buy a memeory foam matress but get it checked out with your Doctor first  as these Matreses can be exspensive

    Go to an acupuncturist.

    See a chiropractor. He will have all the recommendations you need. He will be able to tell you if the problem has more to do with your spine and less to do with your mattress.


    chiropractor is so expensive (

    Not really. Most of them will bring their price down for a new customer.Tell them you have sever back pain but do not have insurance but really need help. Trust me, unlike M.D.s, chiropractors (most) are in it to help, not rob you.

    what mattress I have to buy?

    so what mattress I have to buy?

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