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World Records
The record for a raw dead lift (a deadlift performed without the aid of a dead lift suit, where only a weight belt is allowed) is 460.4 kg (1,015 lb) by Benedikt Magnusson. This lift currently exceeds the equipped record. [1][verification needed]
The record for an equipped dead lift (a dead lift performed using a dead lift suit using a standard bar and plates where straps are disallowed) is 457.5 kg (1,009 lb) by Andy Bolton.[2]
The record for the tire dead lift (in which Hummer tires are used as weight) under Strongman rules (in which lifting straps are allowed) is 506.7 kg (1,117 lb) by the Lithuanian strongman ?ydr?nas Savickas at the Arnold Strongman Classic 2012 (Columbus, Ohio).[3]
The record for the single handed dead lift is 330.0 kg (728 lb) by Hermann Görner in Leipzig1920.[4]
More info here> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadlift
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