    shuold the draft happen again

    0  Views: 670 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Getting Drafted Into the Military May Never Happen Again In This World

    Getting Drafted Into the MilitaryYears ago, there was a mandatory draft that was enacted for the United States men, as there was a shortage of those that were in the military. The draft was used as a means of making sure that there was enough coverage in the military for the locations that soldiers were needed. Military drafting has been used during such wars as the Vietnam War, when there was a substantial shortage of men and women that were signing up to join the military. 


    President Bush once stated that he would like to see the military draft come into action once more. This is because President Bush as well as many of his staff in congress also feel as though there is a not adequate amounts of troops that are present into the military today. This idea comes under great opposition from those that are against his administration’s war ideals, as well as those that are strongly against the current troops deployment in such countries as Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran.

    Is It Politically Even Possible?

    At the current moment, it would take a lot of votes to have a military draft take place once again. It is believed that even if there was another idea for a draft to initiate, that there would be many Americans that would greatly oppose this, and would request that there are alternate methods for recruiting the American people into the military. It is believed that should there be a draft into the military again, that there would be those that would receive a number that may be selected from a random lottery type selection. Essentially, this would be almost the same, identical method that would be used for the first military draft that was created so many years ago. 

    It is believed that as long as there is a substantial amount of troops that are enrolling into the military, that there should not be a worry as to whether or not there will be a mandatory military draft that will take place. Recent months have shown a substantial increase in the amount of people that are signing up to enlist in the military, which is a sign of vast improvement for the military and their previous enlisting figures.

    In reality, the quotas of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard are all easily met as for now. Many believe that it is due to the high unemployment. The amazing benefits such as on-the-job training, free college, VA loan benefits, to name only a few. However, if the draft ever did become necessary, it would obviously not be popular politically.

    Finally, The Real Reason That Draft May Never Happen Again.

    It is my opinion that the draft may be long gone. Not necessarily due to the rising and falling unemployment rates. Although they are definitely critical factors. But mostly because of the abilities of online internet publications to reach and recruit military prospects over and beyond what the military can do on their own. Along with online video resulting from free enterprise, the masses of the young adult market can be reached within seconds. And smart recruiters know their ‘hot’ buttons! 

    We called it National Service here in the UK, and it was stopped back in the early 60s. I missed it by about 3 years,I was glad at the time but I think it did a lot of good really, teaching discipline and respect. Although now we have a much more professional army,navy,and air force now.

    Difficult question. The armed services teaches a great deal about adulthood and respect, stuff that is missing now days BUT, a draft shouldn’t be necessary as we are not at a world war (yet), enough mature children  sign up……...

    In some countries (Israel being one, I think), there is a mandatory service requirement, for men and women. 

    A well-trained militia is a vital part of national security.  A former friend's daughter enlisted in the army several years ago. Whenever I see a photo of her on FB, she has added a tattoo or piercing, looks high as a kite, and doesn't make me feel very secure knowing she and her buddies have "got my back".   But, NO, if the government can't compensate adequately, the draft needs to stay gone. 

    National service was ceased here in 1974.It was the ticket that won the election for the Whitlam Labour Govt.He promised to bring us home from Vietnam & he did.Hopefully we will never see it again.Not for a war like that one at least.

    Should the draft happen again, I'll be ready! ""

    ABSOLUTELY YES!!!...We should, all kid between the ages of 10 and 18 to be instructed in community services...such as fire management, cutting back brush and weeds along-side roads. Cleaning up local parks and recreational facilities, Yard and garden work throughout the community for anyone requesting such help. Painting the homes of seniors and folk unable to do that themselves or on low income. Food prep for all the children who work. Animal grooming and cleanup. Business startup groups and job entitlement training. As a child I worked in libraries returning returned books to shelves and helping folks find their way around. Working together with others to accomplish tasks just 2,3,or 4 hours a day, 2,3,or 4 days a week. It has to be made fun or no one will like it.  



    Conscription into the military is not needed or wanted at this time. Education and apprentice-ship educations can be broadly applied in every possible way.

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