    Does spelling and grammar matter?

    Obviously not. I can tolerate an occasional typo, but the grammar and spelling on this site is an embarassment to our educational system. Any suggestions or comments on this issue?

    0  Views: 2438 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago


    It's really not too hard to learn how to spell and construct a proper sentence. 12 years of schooling or even 6 years of schooling (includes the teeny boppers who show up here) teaches enough to at least make every educated person appear literate.


    I agre, oops, AGREE.

    14 Answers

    I'm bad, but my teacher wife, along with spell check and this site have helped.


    Spell check gives a false sense of security. It does not correct words such, too, and two...OR...their, there, and they're...OR...loose and lose...very often used incorrectly.
    Headless Man

    My spell check also checks Grammar and catches most of my mistakes.

    It's similar to slang. Friends texting each other or talking online might be an OK venue for writing "u" instead of "you", but when someone is on a respectable site like this, where there is great diversity among its readers, they should at least make an attempt. Since their thoughts are only expressed through the written word, how those words appear in print is our first impression of them.

    Well Mitch, I guess you siad it all. Too bad I dont understand a word of it. KIDDING. I cant type but I am good with that. Love me or hate me but just dont change me. I like me.

    As long as the internet has existed with the capability of the population to make comments made available to anyone with a connection, it has been this way. From my recollection, for me that dates back to 1997. My suggestion is don't loose any sleep over it. The people on the other end probably don't care and until there is an universal automatic grammar and spell correcting program, this problem will continue.


    I care. Sometimes I don't answer a question simply because I cannot bother trying to decipher what the writer is asking.

    Sometimes, it would appear that people type a response and then don't even bother to read it over before they send it.  I think that is either laziness or a total lack of pride in doing something well.

    I do believe spelling and grammar are getting worse on this site.  Many of the participants can not even form a sentence.  Embarassing!

    I can tolerate some of the mistakes except for the downright lazy ones......

    I started learning my English when I was 40 years old (very old dog), so I will never speak it and/or write it fluently/faultlessly but I always make an effort because I respect people that I chose to communicate with. Bad grammar and bad spelling is lack of respect. Texting will make spelling and grammar worse and worse


    I started learning my English when I was 40 years old (very old dog), so I will never speak it and/or write it fluently/faultlessly but I always make an effort because I respect people that I chose to communicate with. Bad grammar and bad spelling is lack of respect. Texting will make spelling and grammar worse and worse


    I do agree my spelling and grammar is sloppy or even rusty but that why I'm here to learn from my mistake,I did have a spell check at one time, but don't ask me where it went?

    I started learning my English when I was 40 years old (very old dog), so I will never speak it and/or write it fluently/faultlessly but I always make an effort because I respect people that I chose to communicate with. Bad grammar and bad spelling is lack of respect. Texting will make spelling and grammar worse and worse



    Your effort is all that anyone can ask. Effort is what makes people excel at whatever they try. Good for you valR!!! :)

    well.. up till some extent yes..!

    My apologies to everyone for posting inadvertently my answer 3 times. My computer was not responding when I was clicking on "Post an answer"

    I started learning my English when I was 40 years old (very old dog), so I will never speak it and/or write it fluently/faultlessly but I always make an effort because I respect people that I chose to communicate with. Bad grammar and bad spelling is lack of respect. Texting will make spelling and grammar worse and worse



    No need to apologise. You are welcome to a bonus!

    How much?

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