    why do they sale beer, if it is so dangerous ?

    +4  Views: 1291 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    Why were Clonge and ROMOS's answers moved to the "comment" section??

    Plus Clonge's commenet or answer isn't a funny. It's pretty serios lol

    Moving answers and comments is more productive to the site and members than editing out duplicate, stale dated, and "pointless" questions. OK. The website has risen to new heights of propriety. About time.

    16 Answers

    Beer is good stuff!, at least it is to me! Beer is not bad, a drunk is bad and dangerous. Controlled consumption is the key; that applies to anything though. 

    Can say the same for cigarettes

    It's only dangerous if consumed irresponsibly. Beside have you ever read what happened during prohibition when they outlawed alcohol? Wasn't a good idea then, would be a worse idea now.


    Could you imagine the chaos it would create in this day and age? Yikes!

    The responsibility for safe consumption and use is on the shoulder of the consumer.  

    Look how dangerous it is to send your child into a classroom nowadays.  



    I agree. They ought to outlaw school.

    That's right. If there were no schools, those mass murderers would have to stick to post offices,office buildings, and bell towers.

    ...where they belong. I'm with you !

    Excellent. We've solved one crisis. What's next...

    You two are really smart. I'm glad I didn't miss this response! LOL!!

    I think the longbranch in gunsmoke that miss kitty owns ,takes some beating,for some of that whisky she sells,and the sidwiders they get in thier,

    hector, my dad was enthralled with watching Miss Kitty, but , alas, she was in love with Matt Dillon

    Beer is for sale, so are bullets and cigarettes. Prohibition didn't work..........

    Beer is made of malt which is good for health as it lowers the heat of the body.  To have a can of beer once a while is not a bad idea.

    - - - - -- for the same reason they sell cigarettes.......which can kill you......b/c it makes a lot of money.

     And the gov doesn't want to quit selling hard liquer, beer, or cigarettes, b/c it brings too much money into the country . And the gov gets their finger into every piece of the pie.

    ALL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE A TAX REVENUE, and they don't want to cut off their nose to spite their face!!!

    Guns are dangerous in the wrong hands! They still sell them.  

    Great question makes me wonder why they have parking lots at bars if they don't want us to drink and drive...


    Shuttle service only!

    Good question.  Because adults need to get stupid occasionally. 

    As others have said, 'tax revenues' - Tobacco was once a big tax grab too but now since then cancer society got involved and their propaganda, they have put quite a dent in tobbaco tax, so they raise the price, they find other ways to collect.  Non-smokers are paying for taxes lost from tobbaco too on other commodities, the slack must be picked up somewhere.    But they would rather say, it stinks, its unhealthy, etc.  Once someone reveals without bias the truth about that, lets see how the non-smokers react!  Alcohol is the same.  


    So cigarettes are healthy and they don't stink? You have to be another (in denial) smoker.

    No, I don't smoke but a cigar maybe once every 3 or 4 months. I never said they don't stink, although stink is a matter of preference, when I light up a cigar, people tell me they love the smell. AND! I didn't say that tobbaco is safe!! If you consume lots of anything it will surely kill you eventually. Right now, the way it is, if you drink too much water and kill yourself, they will somehow blame it on Tobacco. People, wise up, these greed laden sobs are using your hatred for tobacco to fan the fire and to stuff their pockets in anti-smoking ads, lawyers are making millions on tobacco lawsuits. Granted, its a bad habit but here in the states it's been going on for 500 years. of course people will die, people always die. There is NO KNOWN EVIDENCE THAT SECOND HAND SMOKE KILLS. NONE! All speculation that the anti-smoking thugs have manufactured to brainwash everyone. Nope! I hate cigarette smoke! There you see the ingredients. There are so many people that hate cig smoke that they will fall in line very quick. I see all kinds of marketing gimmicks that suppress your mind to reason, its a social thing.. Hate smokers or you are weird. People are being brainwashed daily by corporate greed, lawyers and speculators in the investment world. Sorry! Not me, I am one step ahead and I will remain there. If this was communist Russia or China, I speak out against the conditioning, I would be shot!

    BTW: Here in the USA there is a huge push for electric vehicles, they are mounting an attack on combustion engines that stink, and use gasoline. The problem ahead is that these 'gasoline' vehicles are paying for the roads at the pump. Electric vehicles pay nothing for their usage of the roads, not to mention, they get a tax break. When the number of electrics get large enough, where is the money for the roads coming from?? Also, at night when everyone 'plugs in' what will it do to the grids?? And that said, what powers the dymos that make the electricity?? Nuclear?? Not here, too dangerious-- Coal??? Not here, too dirty-- Water?? Not here, too unshitly-- Sun?? Not here, barely cost effective to power your lighbulbs, hook a motor and watch the amps! Not practable. so, what left?? WIND!!! Oh, can't do that, they kill birds! Not to mention each one of these winmils has a diesel engine at it base to keep it going when the wind dies and at night. These are very smart people that come up with these ideas but they never reason and are hypocrites. AlGore has a house in Tennessee that just to heat his pool would power 3 city blocks.

    And cigars stink even worse! I know many smokers who readily admit that they smoke because they are addicted even though the evidence about the health risk, is overwhelming. I admire their honesty!

    I added more-- Above

    To say all cigars stink is to say all flowers smell nice.
    There are some very good cigars that have a very pleasing aroma, if you are talking about what the 'addicted' smoke, I can guarantee its not those, they are very expensive. Base all wine on screw top brands is not being very attentive. :)

    To MY nose and to the nose of other non-smokers that I know, ALL cigars stink! No different than those who don't wear deodorant or don't shower regularly and think they smell just fine. You can get used to ANY odor.

    But, Vinny, nursing homes are full of women who got emphysema from 2nd hand smoke from being in close quarters with their husband's smoke.

    Yeah, if you want to believe all that hype. Emphysema can be cause by many particulates. When these women were young, most all people had coal fired homes, the smell walking down the street of burning coal, coal dust in the air. Coal was not designed for human consumption. In those days, there were many toxins that people breathed in from detergents, glues, varnishes, paint, just about all was dangerious, including asbestos. NOW!! How in the hell can they say.. 'These old peole are dying from second hand smoke when these same people are the same ones that stopped the use of the afomentioned toxins in the first place?????? people want to blame smoking on every desease but yet, they have no solid proof that the culprit is in fact tobbaco. Please don't get me wrong, I do not condone smoking, I am a non smoker technically as I only puff a good cigar maybe once every few months.. Too expensive! But I will be darned if I will let the media and the greed scammers direct my thinking. Of course you may say it stinks, this is their catylist, as long as they have you on their side they will profit from it. Non-smoking dictators have blamed the tobbaco industry for years, lost jobs, killed one of America's largest commodities. Because it 'stinks'. I don't like the smell of a cheap cigarette either but my feelings are simple, I don't insult them, I just acknowledge that this is a free America and they have a right to what they want to do with their bodies. I simply go where the smoke isn't. It's a big earth out there.

    BTW Cat: Why is it only old elderly women that inhaled their husband's smoke?? You mean women do not smoke?? and lemme see here?? I bet their husbands, all of them died from smoking?? Really?? and they left all their spouses with emphysema?? Nobody got left with other complications of old age?? so now, when old people die, its always from smoking cigarettes?? I believe more they were asphyxiated on pure carbon smoke from chimneys burning coal to keep them all warm in the winter. And cooking with coal in the summer.

    Beer is proof God wants us to be happy.

    Tax revenue. That is the reason drugs should be legalized, it would result in a huge drop in crime, a reduction in personal tax and a massive increase in state revenue some of which could be used to treat addicts who were stupid enough to use drugs.

    So are shoes, if you beat someone over the head with them! Don't blame the beer dear.

    beer is cheaper than milk and it keeps the divorce rate down

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