    What do we do wrong as a society if there are still hate crimes happening every day?

    0  Views: 346 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    This is a question that when answered, would be no more than one persons opinion not factual. As a society, we have allowed laws to be implemented through the years that can foster hate. For example, forced integration of the schools. When this was made into law way back when, it was done so with all good intentions so that our children could get a more equal education and have equal opportunities as they got older rather than having the children of one race remaining more superior or rather, having better chances at success. At the time, it was a needed improvement and  a good decision. Is this law still required? Again, that would depend on who you ask. As time moves on, children are brought up differently. Some kids are brought up in a hatred environment. i.e. to hate gays or to hate Jews etc. This cycle will continue until a generation in that particular family realizes that things are not quite right with the way they are being taught. (Thankfully, the forced busing issue previously talked about has assisted us all in overcoming a lot of this hatred with regards to race) Other hatred is fostered by the very groups that are created to combat it. Again I have to go to race as an example of this. The NAACP is the best one that I can, in my opinion, think of on this one. When created, it was a necessary organization created to assist people of the African American race with issues of the day. However, the name itself is no longer even an acceptable name. The CP part of the name meaning colored people is no longer an acceptable way to refer to people of African American decent. Additionally, we are constantly reminded that this country allowed slavery and for that we should always pay. I do not know of anyone today that was a slave nor do I know anyone that owned slaves. In short, slavery was a part of American history and in history is where it should remain. Now take a look at homosexuality. Although people are becoming more tolerant of sexual preference differences, there is still a lot of people that have issue with it all. Religion plays a huge role in this and fosters hate against homosexual men and women simply in the name of God. Many religious leaders simply condemn homosexuality without even trying to know someone personally. It's a blanket judgement against all homosexuals. Judgement however, is something that is not permitted by us according to biblical teachings; this is reserved for God yet the judging goes on. As with anything, people tend to pick and choose what they need to so that they can be right out of scripture. There are organizations available today for gay men and women that have been created for the same reasons the NAACP was created all those years ago and in time, will become just as obsolete. In short, hatred will exist as long as the world exist. It's human nature to hate things you either don't understand or don't agree with. I have provided just a couple of examples for you to ponder on but in the end, the choice to hate is up to each individual and not by society as a whole. Society tends to govern and regulate or at least try to, what we should be doing, saying even thinking. Bottom line though, it is our individual choice. We are so busy now trying to be 'politically correct in our speech that we have forgotten how to just talk to each other. The words that offend others, you know them all, are still just words. They themselves foster hatred because we are all forced, not by law but by what people will think of us, to be so careful what we say. No more are the terms fag, nigger, wetback, or fat acceptable forms of communication. Now we have to use alternate lifestyle, African American, Hispanic American or dare I say it, horizontally enhanced! Seriously? we all have eyes, we all see color, flamboyancy and even body mass but it is no longer right for us to call it as we see it. What fosters hatred, you tell me. Maybe we will all now then. Wish things were different but this is the world we live in.

    Usually it is about pay back,do wrong by me,i do wrong by you.

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