    What is rehab?

    I believe lots of famous people go into "rehab" but I am not too sure what it actually means!

    0  Views: 512 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Rehabilitation: The period or process of rehab,EG. for somebody addicted to a chemical substance.

    Rehabilitation: The process of restoration of skills by a person who has had an illness or injury as to regain maximum self-sufficiency and function in a normal or near normal manner.

    Rehabilitation: To restore something such as a building.


    umm a bit confusing but very helpful thx!

    A place you can go and they will teach you to say no.You know NeverSayNo saying no can be a good thing sometimes,"no thanks,no drink for me i'am driving" or "no i want to finish school before i start having sex" and "say NO to drugs".But you should already know too say no to these things...


    please dont say inapropriate answers on my account's questions
    country bumpkin

    Rick:This is a 12 year old child. She commented to you that your answer is inapropriate just because you mentioned sex and drugs, even though you were being helpful. She does not understand half of the things we discuss on here therfore becoming offended and making remarks such as she has to you. I have taken some karma away from her in hopes to discourage her from playing around on this site. A child her age just should not be interacting are participating with this adult questions and answers forum because of the launguage, and sexual topics etc.

    Neversayno: I understand why you gave me a thumbs down and it's okay because it happens sometimes and my sole purpose of being on this site is not just to gain karma. I have given you thumbs down in return because I have a feeling you are only about 13 to 15 years old and you need to find a more age appropriate site to play on untill school starts again.

    Back at ya, Twinkle Toes.


    excuse me? twinkle toes? you are the one playing the childish games here! You voted down all my answers! ohh and in my point of view, i think you are really making this site look like poo to me. being extremely rude and everything. ohh and fwi im 12 actually!
    country bumpkin

    Hey little girl,70% of the time I am serious with my answers and I joke around the rest of the time. Yes, I have been rude on occasion with my answers and you will certainly see this when I answer a question that has to do with abusive relationships and animal abuse and neglect. I also don't tend to sugar coat most of what I say and sometimes people may take this as being rude when this is not my intension. Sorry, I'm not perfect such as yourself, most of us here at akqa are only human. Once again, this is an adult site and it contains material on here that you should not be exposed to. The Sessame Street site has a bunch of fun games and you will be able to entertain yourself for hours here. Have Fun!

    i dont want to go to rehab i say,no,..

    country bumpkin

    She should have never left!

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