    When the kings brought the gifts to Jesus when he was born what did they(the parents) do with those gifts?

    +1  Views: 1314 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

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    These are the gifts that the Magi brought to Jesus upon His birth. They represent the following: Gold- Kingship Frankincense = Priesthood Myrrh = Sacrifice The gifts therefore were prophetic in...
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    GOLD - for praising the King FRANKINCENSE - for praising in the temple of God . MYRRH - for the upcoming death of Jesus ..
    Who offered gold frankincense and myrrh?
    the three wise men/kings. they gave them to baby Jesus
    What do gold frankincense and myrrh stand for?
    gold stands for the kingship of Christ. frankincense stands for his priestly life. myrrh stands for Christ's death.
    What are gold frankincense and myrrh?
    These are the gifts that were brought to Jesus when He was a small child, by the Wise Men from the East. Gold is a precious metal and has monetary value. It represented Jesus' Kingship.

    Thank you the was detailed and it covered all aspects

    Thanks Pastor, interesting question. The world is becoming so intolerant of Christianity, it's nice to see people who are dedicated to the Lord.
    They used the gifts to go to Egypt where they stayed until Herod died per God's instructions. Herod tried to kill Jesus. Mary and Joseph were very poor. That can be ascertained by the sacrifice that Mary made for Jesus when he was presented at the temple...a pair of turtledoves or 2 young pigeons. Only the very poor could offer such a sacrifice. God provided the means to pay for the trip to Egypt and the return by the gifts of the wise men.
    Used them to raise him with. Mary and her husband Joseph GOD was the father.
    Frankincense and myrrh are both resins -- dried tree sap -- that come from trees of the genus Boswellia and Commiphora.

    hmm, I was going to say bought him an xbox. : )
    I was thinking on more of an spiritual conatation like the gold represents the deiety of Christ. You Know?

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