    what is best stock to buy tomorrow?

    +3  Views: 674 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    I like your approach. Buy when everybody is fearful is the only way to make money. Make sure you look for a sign of capitulation by the market first:  meaning HUGE volume with the market going down, to be followed by HUGE volume with the market going up, all of this within the first 2-3 hours. 

    Consider buying high tech stocks like Apple, Google & Netflix, and industrial stocks like Caterpillar, John Deere & General Electric, material stocks like Alcoa, and ETFs like EEM (emerging markets) and EWZ (Brazil), Financials like Visa and Mastercard, Pharma like Merck and Johnson and Johnson, consumer staples like Coke and Proctor and Gamble.

    Caveat:  watch for >>>>stampede going down at the open

                                   >>>>>stampede going up on a market reversal

    No big volume both ways, DON'T BUY!    and go light on Gold.


    Good advice. But I heard Netflix isn't doing well.

    Netflix is doing extremely well. Your source is wrong. It's going to another 11 countries this year. Buy, buy, buy.

    There is opportunity in a crisis.  Most of the stocks are undervalued now.  It is time to buy them and make money when the markets bounce back. 


    We're heading for a double recession. I'd say the window for this avenue is only going to be open a very, very short time. If I knew how to invest, I'd probably do the same. Best of luck to anyone going for this.

    Most mutual fund managers reserve 20% of their capital as cash. Why? They buy stocks when the price is very low. That's why they make money.

    A fantastic opportunity today and probably next week to buy your favorite stocks. Just make sure the rule number one. Play with your money that you can lose! No margin and stops on order. You will be fine.

    Oh man, today was a roller coaster. I once was down $6k and ended up making $2k.

    I am down about $40k overall in my retirement accounts, but I don't worry about it at all. They will come back up. I buy my favorite stocks regularly. 

    If you had money, you should have bought some this morning. Do not buy it all at once. Chiangmai has a good list of stocks. Those are for long term investment with good dividends. But it lacks a speculative stock which you should have at least one in your portfolio. I like the airlines right now, UAL, DAL, LCC, JBLU. If you can tolerate high risky stocks and have a long time frame, financials are attractive now and for next coming year to accumulate. The beaten down big banks, BAC, GS, JPM and C are my choices, and FITB, HBAN and KEY are mine for regional.

    Good luck!


    JP Morgan is a great financial company. Jamie Dimon, the CEO, is the best boss on Wall Street. If BAC does not have funny accounting, this stock should go to $15 in 12 months (for aggressive investors). I like Visa and Mastercard because they get paid primarily through execution of orders from retail customers. They don't actually lend money out like BAC and JPM do. Hence, as the economy improves (if it ever does :)), people tend to use charge more.

    Cant go wrong with "Beef stock taste like the real thing .I am i talking about the same thing "Guys?

    Alcohol stock. Sure thing in good times and bad.

    Ive been buying and selling on scottrade for quite a while. They have good research platform to look up different stocks. Its all a gamble. Remember enron , worldcom,  ford. Thats where i made most of my money. Yes penny stocks about to go under. My word of advice , DONT  GET GREEDY. If you make a 25 percent profit SELL.  Ok then , i will be buying Bank of America around the 8 dollar range. Why , because i know it will get to 10.00 or so at some point within next four months, i hope. Good luck.

    Truth , Gold and silver in 5 years it will double.


    Have a great week, Hemo! :-)

    If thats the case obama would have been reelected and the enonomy is trashed with socialism and its debt.

    The stock market is in the toilet right now. You sure you want to buy stocks?


    this is the best time to buy. It'll go up again. It always does.

    Stocks right now is better then bounds all markets now will change. The world well go deeper and deeper in to recession stocks half to go up.

    OK, people, I get it. My thought is when the recession hits again, only harder this time and Obama goes for his next credit increase (sometime next year), the market will get hit again and might even bottom out so the market comes to a full crash. I was thinking long term, not just for today and a few weeks from now.

    pork futures , you'll never get porked!

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