    mac book or i-pad?

    i'll probably get one of these. I can't afford a lap top. any suggestions on which would be better?

    0  Views: 948 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    i didn't mean to type autoplutodemos as a tag. i don't know how that happened. aha! a mystery.

    1 Answer

    Depends on what you want to use it for. I have a MacBook Pro and use both windows and Mac software on it because I use it for school and research. But if all you want to do is basic things like watch videos, email, web applications, etc, then get whatever you can afford and be happy. But if you need or want to do a specific thing, then the MacBook would be your better option or even one of the cheaper computers would be good. If you don't need a laptop, but want a computer, I'd suggest my other computer, the MacMini. Check it out on the Apple site. it does everything my laptop does, but is six inches square by two inches tall. I used my old PC computer mouse and video with it and it cost me nine hundred with the extra's I got it with. The base model - still very good for most people, was $699.00 Students get it cheaper. Again, check out the store for further details. But I like it too. I even have everything linked together and sometimes use both computers in tandem when looking at multiple documents at once so I can better compare them. Hope this helps.

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