    What is salvia and how addictive is it?

    Is it legal?

    0  Views: 1065 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: drugs legality

    1 Answer

    Salvia is a psychoactive plant which can induce dissociative effects and is a potent producer of "visions" and other hallucinatory experiences.

    It is not addictive. Mostly used in religious practices in Mexico and South America. Yes, it is legal. They sell it on eBay.


    Id like to add that in MOST cases mine included, the mood, state of mind, and feeling (hot , cold, nausia etc) entensifies like 5x-10x if you are a nervouse person and feel anxiouse at the time you will prbably not enjoy what it bring for you. I was just really hot and boy did it get even hotter . Good thing is it only lasts about 15 minutes. then your done. For me and some others, it never did anythinbg after.just a one shot deal.
    There is different streanths and I dont suggest using it without a sober friend around . Knew a guy that was out there for 15 min. hard to keep him from trippin the wrong way,and this guy has taken everything under the sun in te past. So it efects everyone different.

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