    Islam (This religion is a miracle and i hear that there are many people the convert daily around the world especially in Europe and U.S.

    I read and learned about this religion, and it is nothing near what and how media and some people view it. The Holy Quran is a miracle and i felt sincere when i was reading it and i never felt that way before. And the number of people converting to Islam in the previous 10 years grew dramatically. But Why do people misrepresent this religion; and i wonder if it is the true religion since all prophets faced alot of opposers and opponents when they were spreading the word of the Lord.

    -2  Views: 2006 Answers: 25 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: islam


    Averting or converting?

    avert (əˈvɜːt) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

    — vb

    1. to turn away or aside: to avert one's gaze

    2. to ward off; prevent from occurring: to avert danger



    p.s. I'm glad you've found a religion that works for you.



    I see you caught the averting verses converting ; )


    i'm happy for you too, good luck!!!

    25 Answers

    If you don't become a Muslim they think you should be murdered. If you don't become a Christian you are to love them anyway.

    I choose LOVE. Love, Randy



    Right. At least Christianity rose above the Crusades. That was a major step in moving towards a loving God. I can agree that Islam is still decades behind in rising up towards a loving God.

    Ms Sinclair

    I don't agree with that statement. Historically, more people have been killed in the name of Christianity than Islam (The Crusades, the inquisition, witch trials,imperial invasions preceded by missionaries who were unable to convert the "natives", etc.). I don't feel that this attitude has changed, especially amongst Christian fundamentalists. Btw I am not a supporter of either Islam or Christianity. Just saying... In the words of your own religion "judge not lest ye be judged".

    Headless Man

    <a href="/users/3639/ms-sinclair/">@Ms Sinclair</a>, I believe you're wrong but who's counting. True Christianity represents love. Love, Randy

    I'm pretty sure that our new "Islamic" FRIEND is just trying to start our own little akaQA holy war!

    Since he just joined the website...or is hiding behind a second, or third identity...and this is the thread he posted immediately, I refuse to even entertain any thought of his. I encourage others to ignore him. His opinion does not matter to me in the least.

    He also rejoined under the name of "peace" and posted a new Islam thread 24 minutes ago. Careful folks,he has a hidden agenda!


    You got that right! F 'em


    DH, You're missing the point of my comment. I couldn't care less about his religion (Islamic, Christian, Jewish, whatever) but I'm guessing that he isn't even Islamic and he is already a member...signed up for this site under a new name...posted this to cause other to fight...and is sitting back watching and enjoying. He hasn't joined in the discussion since posting his statement, which of course wasn't even a question. My "F'em" remark was directed at the original poster...not the Islams. Careful who you call ignorant until you get all of the facts.


    Don't worry Col, DH and I are cool. He has a good point but I think he just misunderstood what I was saying and thought that I was attacking the Islamic people. Good for him for speaking his mind. We've been on the same page about most issues.


    Like I told Colleen,good for you for standing up for what you believe and defending others. As for our misunderstanding...water under the bridge pal. Have a great evening!



    dh, be nice to Coach. I like him and he is one of the more fair minded and level headed people here. I understood his warning and I will not defend the Islam beliefs. I just wanted to point out the obvious, it's rather hypocritical to fault a religion for certain things when your own religion has done the same.


    its an online jihad


    so what do you say about all the christian threads, he only posted two islamic ones, and there so many christian ones, see how ignorant you guys are, just because it's ISLAM you started naming the guy and seeing him in a bad way, 'a hidden agenda' what are you guys still in highschool?


    sorry Coach for misunderstanding the comment, all well understood. but i just get angry at people who point their fingers at someone quickly, and i thought you were one too, so woopsie my mistake, your a nice guy. PEACE :]

    Absolutely. The biggest increase is blacks in prison. Murderers, sexual assault, drug dealers, drug users, child molesters. So all you koran lovers you are in good company. The religion of choice of lifetime sentences convicts, islam. But they dont practice what they preach. They eat pork, eat during daylight hours of ramadan. I hear they all think obama is muslim. They seem to think they have more rights because of it. All this comes from a friend who works at high security max prison.

    If you do your Islamic historical research, you will find that previous to Muhammad, most of the descendants of Ismael worshipped a moon god which then translated to Allah. It is why the moon is used as part of their symbol. Allah is not the triune spiritual God of the Bible. Islam is just another false religion created to keep you from experiencing the pure, loving, relationship with your creator. Escape while you still can.


    Good point thumbs up

    Maybe because over the centuries Muslims have demonstrated a peculiar idea of love by beating and murdering their own daughters, teating women like cattle while men enjoy life, killing those who oppose their idea of religion including 3K Amerians who occupied the twin towers, cutting off heads etc. Other that the above, Islam must be a fine religion. Facts speak most loudly.


    couldnt be said more eloquantly. Thumbs up

    Islam is a sham and a miracle of hell.

    any religion that preaches death to infidels or keeping woman and children down and making men the only thing worth praising and speaking up to like they are gods is just the perfect one for satin,whom i believe is alive and well. no man or woman is better than the next we are, after all is said and done, skin and bones and blood and muscle and tissue ect.none any better than the next,male or female.
    just listen to some of these blogs!!they are evil!!
    he really knows how to twist and turn people into believing what he wants them to believe.all i have to say is look what is happening in this world today,there really is not much of anything good left
    to praise,there is world wide destruction happening all around us now,more than ever we need to gather together
    get our s--t together i mean cause we really are in the end of days,at least it appears that way.
    and yes jesus was a messenger of our creator,i am sure of it.
    and what ever people did back in the dark ages cannot even be used as examples of anything.people were so damned stupid and ignorant of just about everything,they were scared of thier own shadows for crying out loud!!they would kill anyone or thing if they thought it seemed out of the ordinary in anyway.they had absoultly no common sence as do many of the people today.
    i guess i got a little long winded sorry,


    you need not attend a building to go to church,church is anywhere you choose to worship.and the lord really does not need our usless money for any group. we should ,only if we are able, give tho the poor and needy,not those who like to ride around in limos and such.lou1948

    The fact that it's god Allah is one of many pagan gods is proof enough that Islam is not a true religion. Amoral folks don't have that build in moral system you're referring to so it wouldn't help them be good inside and out. The two commandments Jesus spoke of: To love God with all your heart, soul and mind;
    to love your neighbor as yourself seems to sum up our moral duty. First you need to BELIEVE this. Without FAITH one really finds it too hard to be good all the time all by oneself. BTW there is a religion called Satanism. They believe Satan is a god. Not making that up. Might do you well to study religions to clarify what you call confusion.

    Islam is a pagan religion since its god is Allah who is a moon god and not Yahweh, the God of the Christians and Jews. An angel appeared to Mohamed and instructed him. Many believe it was Satan. Lucifer was an archangel in heaven before his pride turned him into Satan. Satanists today believe that Lucifer or Satan is the good god and Yahweh is the bad god since he punishes for sinning. This main misconception is used to draw people hook, line and sinker into this deceptive belief. So Islam is not a true religion.


    i think with your little gem information here, you have no real evidence of 'islam is not a true religion' , neither can you say it about any other religions, but then again no body has real evidence of anything. who am i to say anything. can i ask anyway, why do we go on about telling each other your god is satan, our god is true. when all we are, just confused human beings, how about we all just follow our good morals, be good and do good, and wait for time to tell us the truth. at least that's what i do. because if your good inside and out, then religion doesn't matter

    I have visited the Islamic mosque and i saw how muslims pray. I prayed with them after i was welcomed in the mosque and i felt sincere during my prayer and i never had that feeling before. Another interesting thing is that women do not pray with men. There is a divider between the two genders in the mosque and i think this is one the suprising principle i found about Islam. Last week three people averted to Islam in the same mosque and i am going in today to give my testifying that there is not god but ALLAH, and Mohumed is the servant and the messenager of Allah.



    "Last week three people averted to Islam"

    Well you just keep doing your very best and keep averting people to Islam ; )



    Like bible believers slaughtered those that they perceived to be witches, innocent women mind you. The bible doctrine had not always allowed the woman a spot beside men. Woman weren't allowed to speak in church and their only purpose was to give birth and serve then man who owned them. I could go on but my point is, while you point your "my bible is better than your religion finger", your book has been used to do the same things you accuse them of doing because of their book. This by no means is intended to say I support their religion. I don't support either one, Christian or Muslim.


    God loves integrity and loving hearts; not hollow religious form and practices, or treating women like beasts of the field, or the murder of innocents for not believing, or the slaughter of Christians who have chosen to follow Jesus, etc.

    maybe their just jealos cause they got ishmail and we got e-mail

    what about the muslem reward in heaven, the men get 72 virgins what do the woman get? 72 rapest

    a good friend of mine is s gay muslem "ilickamon"

    You can't screw your neighbors wife, but it's O.K. to bang his sheep. You sick SOB's.
    Miracle my ass. Your all f**ked up. Those that haven't wacked off a head yet are not true believers. Your religion will stone a woman to death if suspected of infidelity but rewards you with 72 virgins after you blow yourself up in marketplace killing innocent people. What kind of God would order you to do that? Allah is the brother of Satan. My you all be buried with a pigs head in your coffin. Bastards.

    In a religion that will slice off your head if you are found to be an infidel (non-beliver) makes you think, YEAH! I'll be a Muslim too! It is the fastest growing religion in the world and this scares me.

    I do think there are many if not most Muslims that lead peaceful lives but there are the extremists that claim their beheadings in the name of Islam and to them, this is Allah's will. This is scary...


    Colleen, this Islamic a**hole started this thread and suckered you into another religious battle. I know you like the heated debates so that's cool but be careful honey...I don't want you to get dumped on again. Sorry if I'm a worry wart but I watch out for my friends!


    Again, my problem is with the posting...not the Islams. Sorry if you got the wrong idea and best of luck on your engineering course.


    That's what I was saying Schubee because he hasn't joined in at all. Hmmmmm. Just an instigator if you ask me.



    The God of the bible ordered the killing of babies. Just sayin' ; )



    All that is the part of the bible I refuse to see as God's word or God's will. God is love and only. God does not and can not destroy Himself. We are all part of him. This is where I will say forever, men wrote the books in the bible. Each man with his own agenda, each man "claiming" he heard the voice of God or were spoken to by an angel representing God's words. Even the apostles who knew Jesus disagree on certain things and one was found to be a liar in some of his writings. But I'm done. All religions have their negative points in my opinion.



    Maybe to be a martyr? He couldn't offer a defense. He was guilty of going against the established laws of the government. He was guilty of trying to force the removal of money making schemes with in religious houses. Money that the government was getting rich off of. Still he broke societal law. He was not a God until after he died and the people made him one.

    What agenda was so important that babies needed to be killed?



    But this thread is about Islam. It was pointed out that it is Allah's will that people be murdered. I simply pointed out that the Christian God also murders.



    Randy, I do not believe I have enough interest in arguing your religion with you. I point out what I see as non factual with only faith to give it a base. I point out that your religion is not completely unlike the religions Christians attack and bash. There are others here who really get into the whole drawn out process of debating the validity. The religion is valid for you. I will not try to sway your belief. I make points to show why I do not believe.



    @ F.I.D.Well I suppose you do have to rely on statements of people from over 2000 years ago that claimed they saw his body carried to heaven by angles........



    Are you another one who believes that if I don't love Jesus and accept him as my savior then i must hate him? Whatever. That's closed mined thinking. When I actually say I hate him then you can accuse me of hating him. I do not hate him. I believe there is a creator. I just don't believe Jesus is the creator. I believe Jesus was a messenger of the creator that the people turned into a God.

    I would need to question all the supposed "witnesses" who saw a body floating in the sky. I wonder if they knew about psychedelic mushrooms back then. will have to research that.



    I get it F.I.D. I know you're not trying to convert me and honestly, I do not take all history books as fact. I don't even take the American history books as fact because I know that over time, our written history was changed to fit the American agenda.

    Headless Man

    What was Jesus agenda Colleen? To die on the cross? He was the son of God thats why he never even offered a defense. Love, Randy

    Headless Man

    You're right not here, Rush54 has set up a akaQA page on facebook why don't you join.
    Would love to have longer debates with you, I not afraid of a good debate are you?


    As much as I dislike getting into these god talks, I am so sorry, I have a problem with any god that would order killings of babies, whacking off peoples heads off, burning cities, flooding the lands and drowning whole civilizations to save a few on a boat. Maybe I am turning agnostic but I just have a problem with this stuff. I don't want to see harm come to anybody. (sometimes) :)


    why do you go on calling him an a**hole, you guys are so mean, and i thought you were nice, PLus islam does not and i repeat does not call for people to kill non-believers, neither their children , neither babies, where did you guys get those facts from, the bombings all around the world are by the extremist called AL-QAEDA, not normal muslims, do your research before pointing fingers at them.


    woops again, okay coach :) thanks :]


    Jesus Died and then rose again. There is no grave for you to go see. Not like other beliefs.


    You are rught. I believe the winness of all who saw this. What do you base your hate of Jesus. I respect the fact that you have your belief but I would like to know what you base your belief in God.


    Do you believe any old history books about things that happened before you were born. Would you need to question those who saw everything over the past. The Bible is also a history book. Orher history books also back up the Bible. Rember Colleen I am not being Judging or trying to convince you because you have made it very clear where you stand. I am simply making my point


    This guy who started this thread is a rat, no doubt about it. We just need to ignore him/her. And also, I am not going into any religious debates anymore. It truly is a waste of my time.


    My guess is he has read all the religious threads and decided to mess around with us.

    The god of Islam is the same as that of Judaism and Christianity. In any case, these religions are simply paganism re-packaged.


    You're incorrect. Yahweh and Allah are not one and the same.

    Google it and you will see it's not. Pagan is nature worship. Judaism and Christianity worship an Almighty God not his creation.

    Listening to the radio last night I heard a report from Nigeria about a city divided between Christians and Moslems. A group of Christian Youths had captured a Moslem, cut his body in pieces and eaten parts of him.
    The US Freedom From Religion Foundation states: ' There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.'


    Thats not christians they could be some kind of sect that call themselfs christians, but true Gods way and followers of Jesus will not harm anybody!!!



    Hey schubee, even better than a link. Here's the telephone number to the Freedom From Religion Foundation's office. This is their media line. Bet you can call and ask them about that story nomdeplume shared. Call 608/256-8900 to speak directly with Foundation Co-Presidents Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker or other staff here in Madison, Wis.

    Headless Man

    They may have used the Christian name but I'm sure they weren't. Unless they took the love your enemies to literal. Ha Ha, sorry--- Why would I care what the The US Freedom From Religion Foundation said?

    Headless Man

    <a href="/users/7721/nomdeplume/">@nomdeplume</a>, That shows how little you know about the tradition of Holy Communion. Yes, the bread represents His body and the juice His blood, but only to represent that He is in you in Spirit. Love, Randy


    I don't see why Christians should deny the consumption of human flesh, surely that is what you do to Jesus at the Eucharist.


    Randy, catholics believe that when the take communion they are eating the flesh of Christ and drinking his blood. They call it transubstantiation and believe that a miracle happens each time they do it.


    Link? Otherwise, wake up!


    Well, Jesus told us to do the Eucharist at the last supper.

    Colleen, did you call them already? If the story is true, it is sad. But don't get it wrong, christianity is not for violence, rather love and forgiveness.

    YOU ARE RIGHT .... That is a fast growing religion. That fast growing group is blacks in prison. They dont practice their beliefs though. They eat pork, eat during ramadan. So enjoy your religion with these type of people, they sure will like you. Think about these people, murderers, sexual assault, armed robbery,. Why the blacks only. Whites, hispanic dont have anything to do with it.

    Ms Sinclair

    NO. You're correct about that . The White and Hispanic (why didn't you capitalize the latter group btw?) murderers, rapists, and thieves are probably Christians.

    . . . All traditions when finding the Spirit of Love have found their miracle, when they all reach the top of the mountain, by their many pathways they will embrace each other as brothers in Love of the same Truth of the All Mighty. :)

    ISLAM is not a Religion but a tradition, of which the are many, including Christianty, Hinduism, etc. and etc. Traditions are but pathways to Religion, which is only ONE when one understands what the word means, Spiritually, as few do. Religion; return to the Source; to find Union in the Good or God. It is supposed to be the Goal, to which the various pathways or traditions lead. The literal word, Religion itself, has ignorantly been pulled down from its High Station, or Spiritual meaning and supplanted in the place of the word tradition. Now there are many Religions (traditions) squabbling over the pathways, up the Great Mountain, declaring theirs is the only way to the Good or GOD. Now there are declared religious. This is impossible, ludicrous, only possible in the closed minds of traditionalist. Nevertheless, all Traditions have the Good, those who understand, as well as the evil, those who have fallen or have been caught in the Density or pit of Ignorance. The good seeds of Love and Peace are in them all, for those who can hear and receive it. Some fall into had ground and wither by the wayside, some fall into good ground and flurish, this happens in mens herats, this is the Key to Christ’s Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, no matter the tradition, for Christ, is the same Spirit of Love in all its reflections.


    ... Now there are declard Religios was . . . ;) ooops

    I dont think you have read the koran like you claming and I dont think you know anything about this demonic religion that created to get rich and to dominate!!! I was in that religion almost all my life and grew up in it exept last 14 years I even went to muslim school where I could become a Mula, but I knew from begining that there is soemthing wrong with this religion but at that time I didnt had choice because I wasnt the one who made decision in my life. I have read the koran many times in few languages even in arabic original language and one important thing I will tell you is that this book contradicts itself many times and its calls for violence. I knew it wasnt God that calls for that kind of stuff. I did all kinds of reasearch in my life about religions and I found Christianity(NOT JUST REGULAR TRADITIONAL CAOTHOLIC OR SOME KIND OF CRAZY CHRISTIANITY) the real biblical faith to God of Abraham(Ibrahim) that its closest to true faith and call from GOD Himself!!!



    "this demonic religion that created to get reach and to dominate!!! "

    Exactly why my parents left the catholic religion (and I believe you meant rich not reach) Catholic religion is all about money and power. It has very little to do with the love of God. At least that's what my mother says. I believe her. She's one smart woman.



    Uh huh. Where do they get the money to do all this? Why does the pope live in splendor? My parents were threatened that we would not be able to attend mass anymore if they didn't give more than the $10 per week they had been giving. 2X someone from the church came to the house to tell them that. My father provided the only income. He was a $12 per hour truck driver. We were a family of 10. His pay had to cover food, clothing & mortgage along with payments for his Mack truck and other basic needs and trust me, we lived simple, basic, boarder line poverty and the church still wanted more. GREED!



    Vinny, this was back in the early 70's. It was standard practice for our church to expect 10% of the weekly household income. I remember seeing the monthly letter come in reminding people of this. My parents just couldn't afford to give that much. After the second visit, we never went back to the church. My mother spent 2 years looking for a new religion, then one day while she was at a book store looking at books of different religions, she spied a pamphlet sicking out from between 2 books. It spoke to her. It answered her immediate questions in just the simple write up on it.



    Our new path was found or it found her. Whatever the case, the whole family has followed this path since the 70's. We've all done well by it. It demands no money and is self supporting for the most part. People still donate but it's of their own choosing. Money is never asked for, there are no boxes suggesting. One just mails in whatever they want to gift and again, that's of their own choosing. God opened a door for my parents when He allowed the greedy church to threaten them like that.



    Well dh considering this was 40 or so years ago, I would hope it has changed it's ways.


    <a href="/users/975/colleen/">@Colleen</a>:I don't believe that the Catholic is all about money and power, granted that it may be one of the wealthiest religions and they are big on 'bling-bling' but still the catholic missionaries have done wonders in the world of helping people, they're are many catholic charities just to help the poor, every city that has a Catholic church has a catholic Charity organization.Catholics have done a lot to help people that aren't even catholic. And,they have some black marks to their history too. But every religious organization does, for that matter, every organization has bumps in the road


    WOW! I have never heard of such a thing, that's way out there! The money is from collections.. The church is a business, they also have investments, there's no sin in the Catholic Church that forbids profits from investments. The church has financial advisers, good ones too! I don't condemn them for that, it's one unit worldwide, there are many 'protestant' churches that are also 'high on the hog' from investments and tithe (which is mandatory)I have seen much 'Bling' in these churches too!


    The catholic church is wealthy because it is one unit or organization, all pay to the Vatican-- Also its very old! Not to mention some of the worlds most beautiful art is located in the Vatican. It's not all bad, you obviously had a bad encounter and this should have been reported to the dioceses, it was wrong!


    Well Colleen and others. I was raised Catholic, I was an alterboy even.. I do not remember any 'mandatory' givings to the church, I do remember we had little envelopes that we would put a dime or quarter in but it wasn't mandatory. I went to private catholic schools too, my parents had to pay a tuition, also the paid taxes to support the public schools that were mostly non-catholic and that was mandatory! I can not see a church doing this, I feel that you and your family was not treated fairly and they should have been reported.


    wow, they threatened you colleen not attend mass because you didn't pay enough, that's so not godlike,
    seriously what happened to the church of god welcomes all. poor and rich. i hope it has changed a little bit now.

    Dear oh dear at last we've found someone the christians can stand even less that atheists n non believers.The irony being its meant to be the same god n its merely squabbling over crusades are history,the wars over but still the grudge remains.Look when it comes to it its hypocritical to pick out the worst in an opposing religion and hold it up in comparison against the benign aspects of yours.Yes stoning and beheading but then whatabout covering for and protecting those that systematically sodemised choirboys,,show me a religion that hasnt got its rotten,ugly side to it aswell.I'm not taking sides its like asking who do you support Rangers or Celtic ??.Neither cos I hate football.It was islam that kept science,medicine,greek n roman knowledge alive n forwarded while Europe was in The Dark Ages.Obviously Islams outselling Christianity nowadays.Hey~ho !!!!

    Colleen, I'm sorry to hear about your mom's experience. But I can say that Protestant churches are even worse with the money. Each Protestant church I know in my city is run by few wealthy members. They even change their minister if they don't like him. It gets worse in the churches with small congregation. I had to pledge the money to give 10% of my income no matter what plus on special occasions. I stopped going to church mainly because of this reason.



    It actually turned out to be the best thing for her/us. We are quite settled in the path we follow since leaving the church. I hope you've found yourself a better path too.


    I don't know how I ended up posting here, but it was after the posts between you and Vinny. Sorry!


    wow , they actually used to do that! poor us human beings. well atleast it's not like that naymore now or maybe it is, is it?

    Islam is a pagan religion since its god is Allah who is a moon god and not Yahweh, the God of the Christians and Jews. An angel appeared to Mohamed and instructed him. Many believe it was Satan. Lucifer was an archangel in heaven before his pride turned him into Satan. Satanists today believe that Lucifer or Satan is the good god and Yahweh is the bad god since he punishes for sinning. This main misconception is used to draw people hook, line and sinker into this deceptive belief. So Islam is not a true religion.

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