    Canadian Health Insurance

    Can you go to any doctor or specialist you want.Do you have co-pays, dental, vision. and what about pre-existing conditions? Would it work for us in the USA

    +1  Views: 553 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Do your doctors have a cap on their fees and do they have a cap on what they can make? What would be the incentive for good doctors wanting to be excellent doctors?
    I don't think there are any caps. It's all publicly funded (income tax). The doctors get paid through the insurers. The incentive for a doctor to become a great doctor would be the better you are the more patients that would want to see you, therefore the more insurance pay you get because for every patient you see you make a certain amount of money off them.

    Thanks for explain this.. so then there is some capitalism in your healthcare system.. As I have read and heard--Unlike many socialistic healthcare systems that are controlled by the government and depending on your age and what you can provide for your government, this is the deciding factor if you live or die. In these government controlled healthcare systems, it depends on your worth as a citizen and your age, you may not receive the care needed as the cost is with no return in investment. Thanks, I'll bump you up one for your answer..

    No problem Vinny, anytime :) and Thanks to you too
    Thanks Ash for the explaination also. So Vinny do you think a system like that would work in the US. My wife and I pay $2600 per mo.for coverage.

    No problem!

    $2600/month!? wow, thats awful. You guys need a solution and fast!
    You can go to any doctor you'd like but usually that doctor has to refer you to a specialist. Either way, doctor visits, surgery or anything hospital wise is free. Dental, vision, massage etc is not but we have insurance that changes depending on what your work offers. It usually covers at least 80% of the costs sometimes more.

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