    Always preaching!

    Recently, there have been a large amount of threads on this site that deal with religion, God, beliefs, etc. If your question is truly in this area, then I think it's great and I'd like to learn other people's opinions on the subject. I can't speak for any one else, but I am confused by some of the people who are using this site with the purpose of preaching while they cut and paste long scriptures in an attempt, I guess, to save us. Unfortunately it has a negative affect because these comments usually comes across as "judging" us, which is a huge turnoff. They will even throw out religious answers to questions that have nothing to do with with the subject. Don't get me wrong, there are some awesome Christians on this site whom I've become friends with, and I'm wondering if they feel the same way about this as I do.

    So I guess my question is ... why do some people feel it's their duty to give a sermon ever chance they get?

    +8  Views: 1693 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: preaching

    Thanks for proving my point.



    Only if one wants that kind of salvation. What is salvation for you might be a dead end for another. If I saw a child lost in NY, I would bring it to the authorities who would then try to find it's proper home, not place it in one THEY thought was better for it.


    The empty vessel makes the most noise. I rest my case



    13 Answers

    We Chrsitians need to be careful though not to make the lost feel like they are ok with God when they are not. We hold the truth and the lost need to hear. It doesn't much matter if everybody loves you while on this earth and thinks you are very agreeable just to find out that you wasn't clear with them when they are seperated from God forever.


    I agree with you leeroy, but remember, Jesus also gave those sinners He hung out with the truth. I would say to not give the truth when possible would actually be an act of hate.


    Fog, you know I agree with you most of the time. I just think to relate to a secular person you have to listen to them on a human level. If you speak Christianeese, all of the time, people will just tune you out. You know the verse to be wise as a .., and gentile as a dove. Jesus hung out with tax collectors and people of ill repute. People didn't perceive Jesus as judgmental, he was loving, caring, and understanding. I try to be as much like Him as possible. I'm not saying you are wrong, everyone has their own style and personality.

    Gee I do not know I know I bring up God a lot because he is my life and my ever present help.....


    Darci, that's awesome that you feel that way and I would never question your faith. I think it's fine to bring God or religious beliefs into a conversation if it is relevant to the topic being discussed as long as the discussion doesn't turn into a sermon or lecture. Thanks for answering!

    I do agree with you Coach, also is seems like there are a lot that are targeted at certain people. I was born baptized Lutheran still am, I know the bible says to go out and teach the word of the lord, but I don't think it says to try and slam it down peoples throat


    Thanks for your input JDB. I'm all for believing and inspiring. TU


    Define slaming it down peoples throats.


    That's what makes it interesting,I think some people come on here to debate.When someone voices their opinion I voice mine.I think some on here want to speak their mind but when someone replies back with something they don't like it's all of a sudden a problem,if their feedback is strong mines will be to.As for preaching,I have to be brought there in order to go there.


    It seems some people are targeted and get into pretty good arguments on here


    You are getting further and further away from the essence of the question. Why bring mostly inappropriate bible quotations into a question about the price of fish? (not a real question) Do those that do get some sort of stimulation showing off their biblical knowledge, a lot of it wrong by the way,or are they so terrified of death they will do anything to get in the big guys` good books?

    Yes Coach, I agree with you as usual. I have left comments and had a question referring to the fact that Non-Christian's don't necessarily respond to a bunch of verses. I am guilty of sometime doing it myself, but I believe there is a time for scripture and a time just for reasoning and conversation.

    I've had Christians throw verses at me and felt Judged and I'm a Christian. So, I believe it's important not to blow people out of the water with a verse that convicts them. There is a time and place in the discussion where it fits and times where it may not fit. If I have done this to anyone, I apologize to you, I don't mean to sound judgmental, I am really here to try to help people find some answers. t.u to your question.


    Leeroy, you are one of my friends who I referred to in my question. You have the ability to see both people's side to every question which is something that I respect about you. No need to apologize to me my friend and thanks you for sharing your answer from a Christian's viewpoint. TU for you

    And Colleen my seemed a little agitated with some of the subject matter today, so I had you in mind as I wrote this question. Have a GREAT evening!


    Point taken FOG, we all have the ability to pass on any thread we want.



    leeroy, I can say you are one who I've seen honestly try to be better at communicating with people. You really try to hear them. You earned my respect for that, whether it means anything to you or not. You also allow yourself to be open enough to hear another side without trying to tear it apart and call it groundless because it's not in the bible. I can see that you earnestly do want to help others.



    FoG posted what appeared to be a question only to post a sermon inside the thread. Very deceptive.

    @ Coach: Agitated? Nah, lol. I was just messing with him at first. I saw 2 religion threads pop up one right after the other by the same person. I also had in mind the people who have been complaining and the 2 that have left (or at least threatened to leave, not sure if they've actually left) because of too many religious topics here. Has it carried on longer than I thought it would? Sure, but it usually does when one interprets my words wrong and keeps ignoring what I say.


    Schubee and Colleen feel that FOG has been thumping the bible at them today. But if one checks the thread FOG started they will see that FOG did not call them into the thread but they chose to enter and FOG has only engaged with their comments as they spoke out.

    So let's not think poor Colleen or poor Schumbee, they wanted to engage and are glad to participate. I love them and am glad to have a conversation with them both.


    I want you on my threads. I want everybody on my threads. I do not complain about all the sex threads, I just don't click onto them. If people hate the God threads then just move on. You have to admit, the God threads are the most interesting.


    FriendofGod that's what I have been trying to say TU and God bless.


    I do agree with you leeroy you said it better than I did...TU


    Thank you Colleen, You have also earned my respect as well, I have seen you get tough with people, like I have. And I have seen the sweetest answers from you as well. Thank you for that.


    Ditto, leeroy! Coach, I'm actually dealing with the one now....LOL


    FOG, why did I comment on your thread? I am new here and I wanted to open your eyes and minds, that's all.


    And you invited by posting.

    Actually, those Christians who are not so active in evangelism would be ignoring quite a bit of the teachings of the bible and we Christians will be judged.

    2Ti 4:1 ¶ I charge [thee] therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

    2Ti 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

    2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

    2Ti 4:4 And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

    2Ti 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.


    Here we was just a matter of time. Thanks FOG!


    We are who we are pal! Lol


    I can't help myself Coach! God bless!


    You know, Jesus really irritated those who didn't like His message and those who liked the message of eternal life loved Him.

    Jhn 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.




    it would be alot more popular just to say im ok your ok and write a book about it but thats not what we are called to do is it

    The majority of those who profess christianity are trying to be noble and helpful. While we can be irritated at such, be aware that they are God's representatives and are communicating the mind of God - a God who promises eternal life if you will but seek His spirit and salvation through His Son, Jesus.

    Rather tan be irritated, be happy that your mind and heart are being challenged. Seek and you shall find.

    as a "christian" i agree with coach to a degree,actions speak louder than words. we lead best by our examples 'you cant tell someone not to do something that you do yourself! but its just words, if you had a cure for "aids" would you keep it to yourself... no so i guess im preaching in the back alley

    Because is in almost every question, the Bible has the answer and if you are doing what God wants you will use it.

    I won't preach to anybody.If they ask me a question.And I know It i will answer it.But like I said to somebody else I wont debate the BIBLE with anyone.


    Thanks papa peg. I'm the same way, I'll give my opinion only when I'm asked.




    and we are supporting a government in afganistan that kills christian converts under their new constitution

    papa peg

    If we mentioned the word CHRISTIAN.We would be a little bit lighter from the shoulders up.

    Well, I think some of us have learned since we've been on this site to listen, respect, and hear the other side of the argument. It's o.k. just to discuss things. Sometimes it gets heated because we are passionate about our beliefs, but I hope the end result is helpful to everyone.

    When I was in school I would get into fist fights with the toughest kids I could find, after most of those fights, the strangest thing happened, we became friends. We both developed a mutual respect for one another. I think after a while whether we see eye to eye on every issue or not, we develop a mutual respect for one another here on this site. Sometimes it's o.k. to,"Agree to Disagree."


    Man, I must say that to my students everyday.


    Just put it into an answer, that way it can't be deleted.

    papa peg

    Okay thanks

    One of the biggest problems with religion is the need to judge and be right. The bible and God are not a subject to argue. I understand the deep love one has for God and the desire to share that love you feel, but let me say, sometimes it's like being attacked aggressively on here. It makes one repel and go the other direction when it's too strong a message. Jesus is gentle and I wish some of the direct approaches on here could be gentle as well. One must realize that for those wobbling on the "if" or "if not" it can be quite a push away if the message is too over bearing.Almost like writing all in capitals. Maybe instead of quoting word for word the verses of the bible, take the message you are trying to convey and use your own gentle words for it.It's almost like having a preacher standing over you yelling down the verses at someone who is not quite sure what to think...Please don't take offence, I am a God loving person but a gentle persuasion goes a lot further in this world!Love is gentle and it's the love of God you are trying to convey is it not?


    ILJ no one is "hating" here, just disagreeing. Everybody is seeing things differently which is what this site is all about...and even though I don't call myself a Christian...doesn't God have all of our backs?


    True mom, and with some so called Christians one cannot distinguish between them and the lost by their speach on these boards. However, most of the complaints are at the word of God itself and not how it is presented. Face it, the word of God offends those who reject His Christ Jesus. Look how they complain about my post, yet have you seen me personally attack anyone here? They don't like me because they don't like the answers I give which are taken from God's word.


    Schumbee, I do not use a perversion of the original manuscripts when I post. I post thee word of God. You are following a book that was created by the Watch Tower because they did not like what God's word said about salvation and Jesus Christ being God. Actually the JW's are not new in reality, Islam rejected God's Son and the Trinity as well as the Jews form the very begininning of Christianity.


    Thank you ILJ!


    Sorry Schubee, and I did not mean to misspell your name. You are right, I was just thinking of another poster who is a JW. Sorry!



    You have demonstrated that you do not care to consider the historical record of Jesus Christ.


    Keep up the good work friendofGod...keep loving the haters,you are not offensive,they just don't want to hear the truth,I got your back,God bless you and TU.


    @ coach, I don't see the love, and the hating thing is a figure of speech per say,I hope God has your back,if you are a believer,like I have said before do you know a stranger?How can he have your back if you deny him?


    @ Coach,I don't feel the love, the hating comment is a figure of speech per say, to answer your question doesn't god have all your backs,I don't know your situation,but as I have said before, do you know a stranger? How could he have anyone's back that chooses to deny him? You cant make somebody love you.@ schubee you don't know me so you cant call me a fake christian,you of all cant speak on my behalf.@ FriendofGod anytime brother in Christ.:)


    Now Jesus is God so he was talking to himself on the cross "Forgive them father etc etc" I mentioned this a few weeks ago and was howled down that Jesus was not God, make up your minds please I am getting a head ache.


    It seems like another argument here,I appologise if I offended anyone as it certainly wasn't meant to be that way.


    You got it wrong FOG. It's the other way around. Some people don't like your way of using the words of God, the bible, to justify your beliefs and to fulfill your ego. Nobody ever questioned the word of God itself. You say you never attack anyone, but do you even realize you already did by posting above? Please stop being selfish and pretending you are a loving person, you are not.


    <a href="/users/2659/iluvjesus/">@IluvJesus</a>, Hi FOG!


    That's what I'm saying. I don't question the word of God. I question the use of it by you here. What are you talking about I'm following a book by Watch Tower?? I'm not following anything. It's just my opinion after reading the posts since I joined recently.


    No mom, no need for apology. You said it right. It's so true what you said.


    <a href="/users/2659/iluvjesus/">@IluvJesus</a> That is the attitude false christians have.....

    We spent so much time moving to the left or right, but who's in the middle?. my right, your right, then GOD'S right thats whose right, I want to be on. Speak the truth and let the holy spirit do his job .I will only point you to Jesus and my job is to be light an let the holy ghost change the heart, it starts with I am a sinner and asking for forgiveness. Seeking jesus is the middle ,not going to the left or right. But believing and trusting with all your heart. That he died for your sins.


    Amen....well done.Thumbs Up.


    Amen well done,I gave you a thumbs up but some hopeless person took it away.

    leeroy i put a comment to FOG.And can't find it.I think it got deleated.

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