    Well now! Obama is a scolar in our constitution so my question is i would like to know just how easy it would be for him to just take over our country and be the sole ruler or dictator??

    I know the answer. I just would like to see if anybody else has any Idea how easy it would be for him now with the debt limit and budget crisis upon us!!!

    +4  Views: 595 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    All he would have to do is declare martial law. Then supreme power passes to him. I think he better watch his own head if he tries that.

    never happen ,martial law maybe!

    Turbo D

    You hit the nail right on the head!!!! Martial Law !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think there are far too many level headed people in the US to allow that to happen.

    Besides his life expectancy would be ZIP even if he did get away with it.


    Great answer

    Pretty hard concidering every gun owning man and women below the mason dixon is target practicing at his picture already... Remeber the good ole days when it was a photo of Bin Ladan ???? How did our President become the countries most wanted terrorist?

    Turbo D

    Here's my take on how Obama became the most wanted terrorist!!! I believe he was born a U.S. citizen, then moved to kenya where he was raised by radical muslims and groomed and educated by them to eventually become our President so they could destroy our country financially and never have to fire a shot!! Except Bin Ladan got to power hungry and tried on his own!! Of course we all know how that ended for him!!!

    He is trying to make america a more muslim friendly nation.

    The answer is quite simple!! With the debt limit  debocle coming ever closer and default looming on the horizon, and not enough money to pay entitlements could create a national emergency!!! In a national emergency and state of crisis Obama could easily declare Marcial Law with which it would suspend our constitution,congress, and senate leaving him in sole control of the country and military!!!!! Scary thought ain't it !!

    I doubt it. That would be another civil war in the making.

    I am still in shock that this out of touch politician was voted into office. Those who voted for him should hang their head in shame, and take responsibility for the shape this country is in. He has proven to the country that he is a liar, socialist, racist. The one thing he isn't, is loyal to America. He has kissed the asses of tyrants who suppress there own people. Unfortunately this country has it's fair share of uninformed stupid people and unless they wake up, we will be cursed with this idiot for another term.


    I voted for President Obama, and I don't hang my head in shame, why should I? Besides, it's a enough share of blame for the reason our country has gone into the abyss. Republicans, Tea Partiers, and Democrats share in our country's economic calamity. BTW, all that poisonous venom you are spewing out against one person is unfair and bias, not to mention untrue. Is it fair to say, their are so many of same in congress that you claim the President possess?

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