    what make the diferent?

    What make the diferent between two persons The MONEY or The BRAIN ?
    - Some are intelligent but poor!(less the money)
    - Some are not so intelligent but rich !(more the money)
    - and the Society is more respect the rich than the poor !

    0  Views: 1688 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: help

    Scary. After reading some of the question and answers here I want to lock myself up in a room with a gun.


    ah, learn to spell first, okay?

    2 Answers

    strong textI do not think there are only 2 factors, money or intelligence, that makes the difference between any two people. It is way more complex than that. A successful stripper may make $500+ a night and a fireman makes around $120 in 8 hours. Doesn't society look down on the stripper and respect the fireman more regardless of there IQ? It just matters on the people you are comparing I believe.

    Couldn't the person with the brain use it to get rich ,then they would have the best of both worlds.


    It doesn't work like that. Money is for folk who are happy buying things and controlling money. Poverty is for those who need to know how to get by independently of money. Wealthy folk do not seem to be happy preparing raw food...they live to be served. I serve and am happy doing so. I am happy to make a breakfast table that others will buy. Those who buy it may not know how to make it as well as I do.

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