    how to find love

    I'd like to know how to find love. Because I cann't :ç

    0  Views: 780 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    First, let's find out how old you are. Are you over the age of 16 or under?


    no, I'm 26! 26 that's almost the age of an old woman

    Well if you have that opinion of yourself at 26, it's no wonder you can't attract anyone. I'm 49 so I guess according to your age math, I'm ancient. Too ancient to help you. Good luck.

    your over the hill and back again, me i'm on top !!

    Caution, the first step is a doozy daren.

    The thing is that I can attract some guys, but they are not the one I am looking for :ç

    Sounds like you need to change your attitude (not meaning attitude like a bad attitude, just attitude that you respond to the world with) and how you present yourself to others. You attract what you put out from yourself. Change yourself and see what you attract then.

    Without knowing you, I can not tell you how. I don't know what your attitude in life is, other than thinking 26 is old. Be more open and friendly. Smile more, give good vibes and appreciate life. That's a start.

    I'm a kind girl, I smile always, even too much.I'm have an open mind, I travel very much, I speak four languages. I'm not ugly, I'm not stupid, but I can not find anyone. Actually, sometimes there are some guys beside me, but they are not the one I'm looking for... Maybe I am too difficult, I want too much...

    Keep talking and reflecting on yourself. I have a feeling you will be able to figure this out on your own. Start with this.....

    "Maybe I am too difficult, I want too much."

    Do you? If so, why? Who told you that you had to expect so much? Were they right or wrong?

    I don't know. I am always doing my best in my life, I am kind of difficult with myself, so I guess I want too much for love. But I want a smart guy, a nice guy. I have to say I'd lost some in the past years. Is it too late? I know it's an useful question because no one can answer for me... I just don't feel well ...

    "Is it too late?"

    No. 26 is probably a better age than 20. You're a little older and wiser. You have to know yourself first, love yourself and who you are first, then the right person will be attracted to you.

    "I just don't feel well"

    This does not help. Remember, everything you feel comes out of you and affecting others. A depressed person is going to attract useless characters no matter how much they smile. Like attracts like always.

    Thanks Coleen. :)

    "You dont it finds "You it"s just around the corner

    Come to God.  For God so loves the world (John 3:16).


    She's suppose to have a sexual relationship with God? Because you know that's also what she's looking for. I always see these God answers like this as kind of pathetic and non helpful for questions like this one. Go back to your bible and forget about helping people from the social perspective. You don't appear to understand a lot beyond the pages of your book. That's kind of sad.

    i think i might agree!

    :) nice one

    Colleen How do you know that she needs sex? Sad to find that you equate love to sex!

    Benchong, are you for real? Do you have no incite at all? Take your head out of your book long enough to know people and not a bunch of words written by long dead men and you would understand that people need people too, not just a god. Sad that your mind is so closed that you would think I equate love with sex. Go be religious at church. choufleur is looking for a human relationship, not God. An aware person sees that. A human dead in spirit would miss that.

    God is love.

    i found it 200 bucks an hour.... ouch!!


    But I'm not looking for un buck! I need someone serious

    Maybe if you give a description of yourself,like what exactly your looking for a women or a man or a dog,cat? If you have love,love come back to you, You  reap what you sow!


    Actually I am a 26 years girl and I'm doing my study in France. My life is very mobile because I work in Belgium France China. So you know it's kind of hard to find some and to stay with :ç

    Are you a pleasant person to be with? Do you smile when you have an acquaintance? Can you easily be friendly? Sometime people are to shy too make the first move.

    STOP trying so, hard, when it's right it will find you.  Just don't look in all the wrong faces or places.


    But I've been always waiting, but there is still no one. All my friends beside me get someone, but there is no one for me

    In my corner, there is no one! it's just not fair


    but where? how can I get out of the corner

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