    GOD only need !

    Does GOD really need us to kowtow and obey him to get pardonning from him?

    0  Views: 3927 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: help

    10 Answers

    God did make us but not to be puppets. He gave us a choice now what choice you make is up to you.

    Our Love, and to Trust and Believe in Him!!!

    I'm sorry because i don't want to offend anyone but how can you genuinely believe that stuff,it's a fairy tale.Man invented god to explain all the things he couldnt explain or understand,to make a framework to explain reality in a way he could get his head round it.We are a social 'herding' species that feels happier following something.We look for patterns where there aren't any and we fear our own mortality ~ god is a wonderful construct,a catch all that gives us meaning,comfort and hope.

    Well if God made us all why didn't he make us the way he wanted us to be?


    God Made us because he wanted us to be His loving family. He wants to live with us in Heaven that he has created for us. The only way for love to exsist is if there was an opposite of hate. In this we were given free will to accept Him in love or deny Him. This is why we strive to follow Him in Love, to find our way home to Him.


    God Made us because he wanted us to be His loving family. He wants to live with us in Heaven that he has created for us. The only way for love to exsist is if there was an opposite of hate. God created an angel that he knew would betray Him. This was the beginning of Satan and the ones that would follow him. In this we were given free will to accept Him in love or deny Him and follow the fallen ones. This is why we strive to follow Him in Love, to find our way home to Him.

    i think u meant by admittin of doin a sin... that wud make us pardon HIM... so what's wrong to say SORRY if u are wrongful... i think we are xcused by just acceptin it and not repeating that...and we know in ourselves that we go wrong every step in our lives, so we have to ask Him for forgiveness... nothing wrong in it ;)

    Humans exist only through the Aspect of God, called the "Soul", and are here to learn and experience life. God allows us free will to walk this path, either inside, or outside of His Grace--All "Aspects of God" will be returned unto Him in good time, God is in no hurry.

    Getting pardoning from God is done through acceptance of his Son, Jesus. We all sin. Rather than think of living your life by God's rules as kowtowing, try to think of those rules as guidelines, and aim for them. Know that you will sometimes fail.
    Please, for those of a different faith, please know that I have respect for your viewpoints. I think we are all on the same path, but using different road maps. This is how I view my faith, and I know that there are other answers that should be heard as well.

    Well, He wants us to live with good values and morels so that we will be in a more favarable light.

    God has nothing to do with it. People cling to religion because they need to believe that there's someone more powerful & who listens to prayers. It gives them comfort. But people pray for stupid things & if there was a God, don't you think he'd hear the prayers of thousands of starving, dying children & their parent's in God forsaken countries that have drought & disease - now Haiti has a cholera epidemic - and those people are deeply religious & pray every day, all the time - to spare their children from death & starvation. And yet - those prayers seem to go unanswered, and have for thousands of years.


    This life is a test,in heaven there will be no tears nor fears or suffering,this isn't the real deal,it's full of sin and pain,you have to make your choice,and part of this involves your faith, that is the biggest test of all.Thinking that there should be no pain is testing your faith.Jesus is love,he's there,all the time.

    hi see u love u ok

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