    Good shoes & boots for "collapsed arch" foot issues


    I've been having a collapsed arch issue since last spring/summer, and have found it hard to find shoes that offer enough arch support for my foot. Recently I ordered a pair of Aerosole boots with a wedge, which according to user reviews were comfortable, yet I don't know if any of these people had collapsed arch issues.

    I have had good luck in the past with Kenneth Cole shoes oddly enough, and found that they had excellent arch support, even though they aren't marketed as such.

    Does anyone know of any brands which might be good for this foot issue, even if they're not specifically marketed for that purpose?


    0  Views: 2099 Answers: 3 Posted: 14 years ago

    3 Answers

    I think it would be best if you saw a podiatrist and got your feet checked out as some insurances pay for special shoes and inserts for shoes.

    Your best bet would be to obtain a pair of orthotic arch supports that you can place in any shoes you like. A proper pair of removable arch supports would allow you to be comfortable in nearly any shoes you choice to wear.

    Yes, you're right, that would be the best solution. I do have some arch support insoles that I got from a sporting good store, but the one thing I've noticed is that sometimes when you insert them into certain shoes and boots, it doesn't leave enough room for my toes, etc.

    I think I will look around for something that I could put into a bigger selection of shoes, though.

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