    When did akaQA start up? March 2011?


    +8  Views: 673 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    Is this just the prettiest lady!!!

    I’m horribly tempted to “Mark this as best answer” For the shame of me. Huh? You too are lookin’ good, sweet lady.

    11 Answers

    i think more like febuary 2011 the earliest users myself included register in feb, i don't see any users dating back future than that..1

    I think I stopped by in April. The comments were very short -- maybe two or three responses and now look what it's gone and done!!


    Itsmee, i logged on in April as well and i still haven't reached the magic 100Ks but i'm trying.

    I didn’t think I’d make it. And then I got close and I thought no one would notice. And then someone noticed and I thought no one else would notice. I, bulletman, have Anxiety Disorder. That’s a perfect explanation and you didn’t even ask. ha ha. I’m in a funny mood this AM.
    It turned out very well. I’m pleased as pork porridge.

    My first q was in 2 of 2011..... LOL I am here almost everyday... What was I doing with my time before AKA. And if I am one of the first members why is my karma so low.


    You have 1503 answers. I have 8484 answers. You need to have answers to get the TU's ;) Start answering more questions so we can thumbs up you!

    Oh... lol... That explains alot. I feel better. But I only answer the question I think I can add something new or interesting. Anf you have already given fabolous answers so I have nothing to add.

    Jan or Feb I think. I joined in February and by the talk then, it seems it had just appeared not long before that.

    I  joined end of April 2011. I dont know when it startet.




    I LOVE the new avatar, @itsmee!!!!!!!!!!!!


    OMG Thank you, julie.

    You KNOW how much I love yours, “Sweet Julie Blue Eyes"

    About a year ago

    I have looked at the profiles of the members with the most karma points, thinking that would give me a good idea.  So far, Jenn is the earliest member I have located, followed by I am Pamela, Colleen, and daren1.  I'm really curious about this grandpa character who caused so much uproar. 


    I don’t remember him. I’ll look him up.

    He was before our time, its mee.

    I found the site in February, and there were people with pretty big karma scores that were there from the beginning. I suggest you check out Raider's profile. He was the moderator back then in the old days, lol.


    Raider was before me. He was a BIG deal when I came on. I wish he’d come back for a bit.
    How are you doing, leeroy? You left Florida? I’m ok one day. Next day my back gives me fits.
    My son left Tavenier --> to Santiago -->to the high high mountain of Las Bambas. (work project)

    I'm doing pretty good, yeah I have the back problem too. It's tough sometimes, but AZ is a beautiful state I'm doing some art projects painting for myself. It's nice, the desert is beautiful. Glad your son has work, he's on of the lucky ones being in a beautiful area is great. Hope your back improves will keep you in the prayers, if that's o.k. with you. Take care... xoxo

    That what I say about a year ago, And joint in march sometime and then went off for a couple of month when my PC. broke.

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