    What is the defination of a "Lolita?"

    +4  Views: 1248 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    A seductive teenage girl.

    This page should be quite helpful to you in your argument. It includes the origin of the term Lolita and the history of it's usage. You are correct in your argument btw. It has nothing to do with a young woman dressing as a child looking to be babied.


    Sorry all I know is that there was abook and then they made it into a Film though I read the book and the film was rubbish sorry cant help!


    Mel, this seems to me to be a mixed question. Half of it has to with her friend acting as an adult baby. The other half has to do with a current version of Lolita. Go figure!

    thanks Pamela there was aquestion this morning that I anwswered and someone else commented on it like it was her question really wierd yes you are proberly right that there are two people on this ! :-)

    Thank you for the "instant" answer.  I know that part.  What I'm looking for is more varied, (documented,) answers and to prove or disprove a girl, (21-25,)  that likes to dress as a baby in diapers and in footed sleepers at home to relieve a stressful day should or not be called or fit any description of a "Lolita."  My thoughts are the same as you. 

    This is her form of stress relief.  Her boyfriend is OK with it.  He will "baby" her.  This is no different than ones that turn to drugs or alcohol for stress relief.

    Others on the forum have given some weird interpretations and "histories" of a  "Lolita."  I'm just trying to  chase down a "correct/current version, which you posted and I agree.

    Now to get a few more posts agreeing, then I can have some ammunition to reply on that forum. :lol:

    Thanks again.


    Sounds like an adult baby fetish to me. Let's wait and see if there are any more answer. :-)

    A naught little girl.

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