    Is the U.S. truly a Democratic country ??

    0  Views: 1193 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: democracy

    1 Answer

    No. Democracy is an illusion. You think you have rights but you don't. you have privileges. Your not free. Your only free to do what your told. Governments and their countries are controlled by bankers and investors, politicians controlled by corporations and the news you get is from the same people because they own all of the networks, So you can imagine how filtered and wash the information is that you receive.

    Besides who wants to live in a democratic society any ways. That just means that 49% of the people have to do what 51% want weather they like it or not.

    Did you know that the legal definition of "society" is "a group of people jointed together by mutual consent to determine and deliberate toward a common goal." Black's Law Dictionary 8th edition. How do you get mutual consent in a democracy? You don't. Should be called demockery.

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