
    0  Views: 816 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    @Pamela, Here in the USA you MUST prove your citizenship just to get a job! We are talking about the highest office in the USA, the president! Don't you think that if a person wanting a job at McDonald's must show their birth certificate that the most worty job of president should also show this?? we the people of the united states know and understand the criteria for being the president, why doesn't Obama and why is Obama exempt from this?? nobody knows for sure, we are unsure, you would think that he would just say.. "ok, lets show them.." He won't do this and nobody is making him do this--Why??? At this time, the doubt has been cast.. The story is that he was actually born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii. Can anyone disprove this?? why doesn't Obama disprove it?? So many followers of Obama just kiss at his feet, this is wrong, he needs to come clean to ALL Americans..

    @Vinny - The doubt has been cast on who, you, not me.

    Yes Yes Pamela, I can see that. But there are millions of us the do have doubt.. Please re-read what I posted above, I am not attacking you, i am only asking why is it that even a kid applying for a job at McDonald's must show a birth certificate stating he is a us citizen and the president does not when it is CLEARL REQUIRED they the president of the united states must be born in the USA.. Whay is the big secret?? It is a law, not a policy, he must show that he was born in the USA but he continually ignores these request, of the millions of us that understand this law we feel that he is slapping us in the face and not showing respect for the same people that put him there. (I know there are millions of people like yourself that don't care)
    Pamela, I wouldn't take it personally, I think eventually this country will have to go to a national I.D. system. There are millions and millions of illegal immigrants here....

    Is any politician going to step up to the plate and deal with this issue? Not JUST TALK, but do something.

    Illegals send the money they earn back to other countries, don't pay taxes, take jobs from legal citizens, and a small number of them are dangerous criminals.

    This has nothing to do with race, it only has to do with our laws.

    @leeroy - I'm not taking this personal, besides the question is not about illegal citizens, it's about the president being a U.S. citizen, which he is.
    I'm not convinced he is a citizen.

    Heck, they're not even sure if his Social Security number is legit.

    Robert Siciliano, president and CEO of and a nationally recognized expert on identity theft, agrees the Social Security number should be questioned.

    "Yes," he replied. "In the case of President Obama, I really don't know what the good reason would be that he has a Social Security number issued in Connecticut when we know he was a resident of Hawaii."

    To verify the number was issued by the Social Security Administration for applicants in Connecticut, Daniels used a Social Security number verification database. She found that the numbers immediately before and immediately after Obama's were issued to Connecticut applicants between the years 1977 and 1979.

    "There is obviously a case of fraud going on here," Daniels maintained. "In 15 years of having a private investigator's license in Ohio, I've never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly."

    There is no indication in the limited background documentation released by the Obama 2008 presidential campaign or by the White House to establish that Obama ever lived in Connecticut.

    Daniels disclosed to WND the name of the database she searched and produced a computer screen copy of the page that listed 1890 as a date associated with the 042 Social Security number.

    Daniels said she can't be sure if the 1890 figure has any significance. But she said it appears the number Obama is using was previously issued by the Social Security Administration.
    (Daniels has been a licensed private investigator in Ohio since 1995.)

    Read more: Gibbs sidesteps Obama's Social Security Number

    Yes! President Obama is an United States Of America Citizen.
    yea yea yea yeap he is a citizen of the United State of America. Obama
    yes he is or he wouldn't been able to vote or hold the offices he held even before he was elected President.
    yes he vis a citizen born in hawaii

    Are you certain?? LOL
    Everyone is saying yes so... I am going to say maybe. It looks like he is but, there are a lot of rumors that he was born elsewhere. I think until he shows an actual birth certificate, it's still a maybe or probably.

    Nothing against him, just want to see it for myself in black and white. I stopped taking peoples words for things...

    If someone ask you if you are a U.S. citizen and you said...yes! Should they take you at your word, or should someone say...I have to see your B.C. for myself in black and white, or maybe or probably they may still have some doubt. What would say or how would you feel?

    If that would help remove people who are here illegally, maybe I wouldn't mind so much? I think we do need a national I.D. system. Like Vinny says,"To be president you have to prove that you were born here.

    You can be a US citizen and not be born in the USA, There is no question that he is a US citizen, I just want to know for sure where he roots ar, where he was born// Not because I have an personal agenda but rather because its the principal of our laws requiring proof of US birth
    Yes and everyone needs to stop wasting time with this stupid question. we have a lot more pressing issues in this country.

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