6 Answers
What? are you gona put someone who killed themselves in jail?? Dumb example you set. & Its not a <cuss word removed by moderator> sin to be gay ok? Stop being so <cuss word removed by moderator> ignorant about lives that do not have anything to do with yours. This is the most ignorant question Ive heard & I am so SICK of people asking and saying that being gay is a sin. I think being so close minded and overly religious that it effects others opinion and making them feel bad about themselves should be illegal & a sin. & OBVIOUSLY murder is illegal. Go back to school. Compairing gays to murder is insulting to those who are gay on this site. Thanks.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Were getting dangerously overpopulated so i don't think we should get carried away over gay people or satan.lol.
Suicides need help not to get condemned.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |

No, the question is, why is it legal? The "if so" is meant to carry you forward to the actual question. You would not have missed that of you weren't so busy playing the good Christian and running around damning people to hell.
Do you know how many people populate the earth today? Trust me, heterosexuals are doing a great job at populating the earth. Too bad not all kids have families. To bad so many are looking to be adopted because some heteros breed like rabbits then can't take care of their young.

I have a friend who's a lesbian. She and her WIFE have so far adopted 3 children from a straight woman who can't seem to stop populating this earth. No, with people like her around, we are in no danger of extinction by the few million gays existing in the world.
homo is haram sinful god allah create man and women to full fill the world with kids so when you die there will be kids to take over when you die
and killing ypur self is bad why god made you you dont kill your self becouse you got problems why god is teasting you with pachents onlay god can take your life not you
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |

First off, who said suicide was legal? In some places it is counted as attempted murder if you survived.
Second many biological environmental studies have shown that a number of out animal species have evolved with both male and female sex caricaturists due to the solvent pollution in the grounds and water. You can thank the industrial revolution and non of the pollution controls for that. In conclusion,It is not a sin of the individual but of a whole society who with its tolerance of greedy and sloppy recovery work, have set in motion the slow evolution of humans who carry malfunctioning sensitive DNA, In time may prove a strong survival attempted for the human species. Very many will suffer in silence. Keep drinking your bottled water.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |