    my son has a disease call it schizopherny,he is dreamy,doesnot to connect to any one and go to soceity.

    he thinks all the people are tricking to him.he thinks he has sent by god to help people.he is thirty years old and doesnot like girls and marriage.he has hesitation to every one.his doctor has given him the following peals;haloperidol-hydroxyzine 10-propranolole-trihexyphened,but they has not cared him.please help me .thank you so much

    +2  Views: 275 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Talk to the mental health practitioners

    These drugs are all good but only in conjuction with psychotherepy. Find him a reputable person to talk to as soon as possible, the need is at hand. Bright Blessings to you and your son and I shall keep you in my prayers.

    what do you think about injectiom? do you think talking is effective with a expert .it had not any resault before.

    what do you think about injectiom? do you think talking is effective with a expert .it had not any resault before.

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