    I want to learn more about cockroaches...

    I have been wanting to learn more about cockroaches, I've been seeig cockroaches all around my house so i was wondering should i learn about them? Plz leave a comment or link. Thx and good night!!


    7/16/2011 11:40 pm Saturday,

    +2  Views: 786 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    Cockroaches are one of natures scavengers.  They have eluded evolutionary change and many fossilized remains have been found to be millions of years old, unchanged and as they are today.  They can adapt to any climate and they will consume anything including each other.  They can actually survive on cardboard and have been known to survive for months with nothing to eat, even survive while submerged for upto an hour. They are very harty little creatures.

    The femal cockroach can be responsible for upto 400+ offspring and live for about one year. (German Cockroach)   Although equipped with wings, the cockroach will rarely fly, it is unknown what will trigger flight but they do fly should they feel the need to do so, they are nocturnal and will flee at seeing light. They are social insects and will horde together but forage alone.


    If you see only one, it is quite possible that you may only have one as they can be brought into the home in many various ways, such as grocery bags, clothing, even your pet dog might have picked up a hitchhiker. Nonetheless, if you see more than one, chances are you have a nest present, once the roach claims your home for his home, he can be a nighmare getting rid of simply because they become immune to repeated uses of the same chemicals and the youg hatch about every 30 days wich keep a constant building of the immunities..


    Hope this helps!  It was fun doing the research and tapping my memory on roaches.. LOL  


    About flying: I know people will tell you that roaches aren't supposed to fly, but I've seen it way too many times with Palmetto bugs here in Florida. If they're on a wall, and you start to spray them, they will literally try to fly straight into you, no kidding!



    i know just gives me the chills with seeing them just wana know nmore so i can figgerout how to kill them easy and be famous!! lol XD

    They say that when you see a cockroach it's because the cockroach hotel is full & they are the ones that don't fit in.If you see a couple,ypu probably have thousands where they can't be seen.They love water & need a constant supply to survive,(Even a trickle).This is why they like it under your frig.Good luck with exterminating them.Scientist believe that they would not only survive a nuclear holocaust but that they would prosper.


    So you say milleans can be living at my house, thats inposibal! We checked everywhere, Also a big gap in the door :/ Have any links?

    Sorry simpson I don't have any links.I got all of this info from my pest exterminator years ago when I had a termite problem.(Termites are closely related to cockroaches & not ants as some people think).
    We have one species of cockroach in Queenslad Australia that you can keep out by closing the doors. They are too big to fit under and you often see their feelers waving backwards and forwards under the door.
    You finaly hear them running away, their feet make a strange noise even on carpet.

    We have cockroach races in many places but it is getting harder to find jockeys due to the cockroaches that don`t win blame the jockey and eat him.

    Peoplelover i have heard of that, must be like the mosquitoes flying off with the tourists.

    Are you talking about the ones who wear Blue football jumpers PL? LMAO

    The cockroach is hard to kill ,try stepping on one, you have to motion your foot to kill them. they are also impervious to radiation of a nuclear blast. [ nocturnal]


    The Palmetto bugs here in Florida are too big for me to step on; I feel like I might as well be stepping on a mouse! And make sure you've smashed it good, because there have been times when I thought I killed one, and then come back a few minutes later, and the thing was literally reconstituing itself, like a monster out of a Japanese horror movie!

    Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattania or Blattodea, of which about 30 species out of 4500 total, are assocciated with human habitations. About five  species are well known as pests.    Among the best known pest species are the,

    American cockroach, Penplaneta american which is about 30 millimetres in length.

    German cockroach. Battella gemanica, which is about 30 millimeters in length.

    Asian GR Blattella asahinai also, about 15 millimeters in length

    Oriental cockroach. Blatta orientalis, about 25 millimeters in length

    Tropical cockroach, are often much bigger.

                          The  name Cockroach comes from the Spanish word (cucaracha) "chafer",  or "beetle from cuca", kind of Caterpiller. The English form cockroach is a folk etymology , reanalysi of the Spanish word into meaningful parts. Although cock referrs to rooster, and roach, is a type of fish.!


    You forgot one the "human cockroach" the one that keep sticking his nose in everybody affair.

    I heard they taste just like chicken, with peanut butter.


    :/ werd...

    The Chinese eat them in omelettes. They do that when they have an upset stomach. Yum...

    um ok creeper

    OMG, no thanks.

    They are very resilient creatures.Every year here in Queensland we have a gladiatorial event between Cane toads wearing Maroon jumbers & cockroaches wearing blue jumpers.The cane toads usually manage kick their arses but the little bastards keep crawling back over the border from NSW year after year for another hiding.

    FYI this yearly event is called "State of Origin".

    Wanna learn more ? Move to Mexico.


    no thanks USA fits me best, Dont wana eat tacos for breakfast XD, no offence.
    Mate I was in a place in Western Queensland where the mossies were bloody huge.
    The only relief from their stings was to get in the water tank. Buggers started to sting THROUGH the sides of the tank. I had a hammer so I started to clinch the stings over.

    Bad move.

    They flew up and tipped the tank over and tipped me out.

    Don`t know if it is true or not but I heard these same species was used as the model for the 747 passenger jet.

    Had a bloke tell me he woke up with two huge mossies sitting on the foot of his bed.
    One said "Will we eat him here or take him home?'

    "We will have to eat him here, if we take him home the big fellas will take him off us"

         I live in Forida, and we have a huge variety called Palmetto bugs.  They're especially bad if you have a septic tank in your yard, because roaches literally eat crap.  They love it if you're a hoarder, because that gives them plenty of places to breed and hide.  Therefore, I don't store bags of things under my sink, and I keep all containers of food in the cupboards very well-sealed.  They will also gravitatge towards potted plants in the house. They like kitchens and bathrooms best, because of the moisture. They were so bad in my last house (we had a septic tank there) that it's one of the main reasons I sold that house..

         If see one and want to immediately kill it, here's a way that's non-toxic and non-staining to furniture, carpet, and clothes:  a spray cleaner like Fantastic or Lysol.  I found this out by accident.  If it's a big one, just keep spraying until it slows down.  A pest controller later told me that the detergent actually clogs up their breathing tubes, and they suffocate to death.  It's funny, because when you first spray them, it cause them to want to move fast to get away, bu the more thy move, the faster they suffocate!


    i heard of them

    I heard their is big cockroaches in Africa, Their diffent colors, Pretty creepy and cool at the same time! Still i need some links...

    Do Cockroaches make nosie?


    Yes, some make a clicking sound but not very audible. Any insect makes a noise if you have the equipment to hear, mostly with their feet and legs.

    I new it!

    Read my history

    i need answers


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