    Does global warming concern you? Have you changed you behavior due to it?

    +6  Views: 1413 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    NO and NO

    14 Answers

    bought an air conditioner as well as an elictric blanket, we'll see which one i'll need first.

    Al Gore has  been losing money , lately. He's getting ready to ramp up his global warming lies again. It's all a bunch of lies by people and companies with something to gain.


    Not in my corner of the earth, AlGore is king here, he even has an office 7 miles from where I live. People here 'highly educated' are bent far left. Its nothing to do with education, its the 'social' standings. They are actually way to far into their day jobs of scientists, engineering, medical professions, etc that they really do not have time to engross themselves in current events so its a social behavior. None think for themselves, they think as a unit. This is socialism at its finest. They follow each other in fear of breaking this social ring. Any of them at anytime can be brought to their knees on current events, they can tell you all things left but when confronted with opposition it will promptly get into name calling and slanderous remarks. This behavior of course is their defense mechanism because they do not have a clue of what is truly going on--obviously because their work is dedicated and they have no time for politics..

    Global warming is a bunch of Hooey AL gore just pushed the subject just to sell his book and movie a silly picture for AL Gore""


    It's a hot time in the old town tonight yahoo

    The biggist con going! Global warming - the environment  and green issues have given many world governments the perfect excuse to increase so called "green taxes" - increased fuel prices and taxes (gas, electric, petrol and diesel to name just a few). Are we being brainwashed - in one word YES.   


    Not 'WE'--- 'THEM'... They are being brainwashed and they are giving in to one of the biggest scams of all times! Making it visible is 'carbon credits' allowing those that are wealthy buy their way out of guilt. Thank you AlGore, I so remember him saying that he would like to see gasoline at 10 bucks.. He is totally behind this scare tatic that the left uses constantly, fear and guilt.. Doomsday predictions, its all about 'Doom and Gloom' It makes money for them.. Total scam artist and legal at that!

    Yes totally agree with you Vinny. It also stands true here in the UK. If you just shout "green" or "environment" out come the Save the Planet Brigade, up go the taxes, up goes the cost of fuel, and the governments just hold their hands out & count the money. It is the biggest scam ever, yet so many people believe them!!

    Building a hydrogen generator to heat water and plumb the hot water to my house for winter heat. My household heating bill runs about  $2000.00 per year burning fuel oil and electricity for heat.  The fact is that the US economy is based on the price of oil…there is no way to personally control heating cost other than do an alternative that is not a government sponsored plan designed to keep alternatives at near equal cost  or be in violation of anti-trust laws. If you want it done right…do it yourself. 

    Global Warming is a total farce designed to make those rich that initiated this BS..  BTW: The progressives changed the name to 'Climate Change' so that every time it rains, snows, sunshine, clouds, hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning and squall they can claim it all for their cause.. 



    No. It is another stab at social engineering by the left. The science is flawed from the get go. Remember the hockey stick curve used deceptively by Al Gore's inconvenient truth crapumentary?

    It was quickly dispelled  shortly after the release and subsequently sequestered by the pushers. Al Gore, David Suzuki, Maurice Strong and company should be imprisoned for life.

    country bumpkin

    Crapumentary? I think I've just added a new word to my vocabulary.

    The earth cools , then warms. I could care less about the warming, its the cooling that would scare me.


    The earth as all planets in our solar system will suffer the sun's 'flameout'. This phenomena occurs all over the universe, when this happens here as scientists predicted many years ago the sun will flame up first and the result of this 'superheating' will turn all the planets into a burnt wasteland assuming they can survive the blast, after this, the sun will burn out to a dwarf star and eventually burn itself out. At that time, our solar system will cease to exist as many before us went through the same death. This natural phenomenon will take billions of years from beginning to end - This will not be caused by humans on the third planet. You could say that this is global warming if you like but please lets not say we are snuffing out the sun with our earthly lifestyles.

    "Ain't changed my behavior none, still (fool-in around)! "but don't let on to the miss's!"

    Nope, I am a responsible person who likes to take care of people and my yard. It doesn't scare me one bit, in fact, it think it's a load of hooey. I may have been born at night, but I wasn't born last night. Lol.

    Nope. Bring it.


    loadingloadingi think global warming is terible for the polar bears and the world and the human race and this is caused by people burning rubber and other stuff for no reason at all even if you burn a bottle cap it causes great diffrence as the world has many billion people!

    Mother Nature will continue to the calls no matter what!  Always beware and prepare if possible..

    This Earth is changing there's a die-off coming.......I hope for better tomorrow for the World.


    Of course there's a 'die-off' coming, nothing is forever, this earth will go through its changes at its own preset pace, we can not preserve or destroy-- In the evilness of greed and gullibility of the people, they buy into this fear for what? For the sake of money!! Do you actually think that you can interfere with the natural evolution of this planet AND solar system?? Did you know that the ice caps on mars are melting too? Did we do that also?? This GB has been one of the biggest greed driven farces in world history and in time when people come to realizze the money being made on this will stand up and say 'knock it off!' Like the 'food famine' Oil shortage of the 70's, it's all driven by money.. We are not going to lose this planet based of what Co2 we put in the atmosphere-- I mean, my god! The vegetation thrives on Co2..

    Though Global warming is an alarming issue in the whole world today, but I am not concerned about this true fact.

    And I have not changed my behaviour due to the same fact.

    But I truly love this planet where we live on. But the mentality we have, cannot be changed due to this bitter truth, which is the result of our own mistakes.

    The mistakes does not signify the development that we have made or the success we have achieved in different sectors. But these developmental works are badly affecting the planet as we know "Earth".

    Efforts are being made but not to the extent we need. We are just discussing the problem, making discussion over the issue & finding the solution for it. But no particular effort on practical basis is made. There is where we are lacking.

    So, let us think rationally to save the world we know today to secure not only the future ahead but the present we have.



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