    why cant people get on joke make fun of them selfs just the people on akaqa

    +2  Views: 739 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    english is my first language look at xpert2 answer it is simple laugh have fun joke all the guys in akaqa have a great time poking fun at me like Scotland will never win the world cup before the the worlds ends i love there humour i dont think you understand you are to serious and take life that way lighting up Colleen tam

    Right. I think you need to take some English lessons. You speak like English is your second language. I really don't need to lighten up. I need to understand your jumbled questions and speech. Must be the Scottish dialect. Punctuation may help too.

    Know any good Scotch jokes? My fav is when a Scot is asked what's worn under the kilt & he replies,"Nothing,Everything is in PURRfect working order!"
    I know,I know,You've all heard it before but it still makes me laugh.

    I don't understand your question. I know English is not your first language and I'm trying to understand what you're saying but I want to make sure I understand before I answer.

    Are you saying why can't most people find humor in themselves like the members of akaQA do or are you saying the members of akaQA make fun of people?


    Who? US? make fun of people?

    I only do when I'm told to lighten up :)
    Sorry digger but my first language is english,i wish it was Gaelic.I am a lowlander we were not taught,gaelic in school.Highlanders speak gaelic, and English there second.Guy"s like yourself/Peoplelover/Tommyh expert2 ect,are my kind of people you make me laugh.Laugh and the world laugh"s with you.Cry and you end up like Colleen.

    Dowsa, I said one thing and even put it nicely so as to not wound you because I could not understand your mixed up sentence, let me put it properly for you...Why can't people laugh at themselves like the people on akaQA. THAT is English. What you wrote was bunch of English words shoved together that made no sense. So, Dowsa, since you're all about fun and laughter, when are you going to make me laugh? So far I see no humor in you. Just jabs and needles to insult people. Or is that what you call humor? I see how you speak and it's broken English at best. People who have English as a second language speak it better than you. You should have kept the excuse I gave you. Yes, I've fired back on you. I tried not to insult. You've gone over the top with this. Crybaby.

    I dinnae ken your English. Your first language is Gaelic not English.

    Bruidhinn ri thugainn 'nar English !

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