
    +3  Views: 918 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    • It has been said that both God’s existence and evolution are religions which require faith to believe.
    • It takes no more faith to believe in God existence then it takes to believe in a house a tree an ocean or a fact from history. We say, “We know that’s a tree!” Because of the mountain of evidence we can also say, “WE KNOW THERE IS A GOD!”
    • Evolution is a fantasy just like “The Three Pigs” and “Alice in Wonderland”.
    • God’s existence is a clear, solid, scientific fact that as God says, only a fool can denied it. Psalms 14:1; Psalms 53:1.
    Grit Savage

    "God’s existence is a clear, solid, scientific fact..."

    Prove it ;-)

    you deny the science of evolution but you contradict yourself with by using science to prove a "fact" show me the solid scientific "fact" of "god'" existence!

    Grit, Norm's silence speaks volumes.

    I am the lord of the jungle so it must be so because I just said it.

    The bible was written by scribes from all over the world over many years and yet you say it is the word of god.

    Appreciate the "scientific" evidence when you have it available.

    I have been to piggeries and saw more than 3 little pigs so they exist.

    I am equaly certain there is a girl named Alice who has been to Wonderland so she exists,

    Have YOU no not someone else YOU seen your god?

    Now be truthful have you SEEN god with your own eyes, none of this I have seen the majesty of his work, have you SEEN the actual body, whisp of smoke or whatever of god.
    Headless Man

    It's not a provable fact thats why it takes faith, but when you accept him into your heart and and talk to Him daily it is proven to you and when you see the miracles He does for you is only more proof.
    But first you do have to have faith and we all do, in what is our choice.

    Comparing the presence of God and evolution? These issues  demonstrate  no conflict in my mind. Just because you understand Darwin and the Bible is not a conflict to me because Darwin simply understood a little of how God created the differing life forms. It is not a case of contradiction so much as mans opinion seeking to ascribe guilt and justify erroneous logic to the subject to apply the whip to their personally perceived enemy for want of conspired power that could never be by such a  fantasy in eternity. The justification of euthanasia based in Darwin was a usurpation of progress for prejudice and murder. If anything we should understand how this absurdity transformed truths into lies and lies into murder to understand that there are those in quest of power today who follow the same course of illogic. 

    I don't need to prove God to anyone if you're so blind that you can't see Him all around you then God help you when Judgment Day is here. Good luck, L-living U-under C-christ K-kindness


    best answer yet! i agree with YOU

    Religion is a belief system, Evolution has physical evidence. Its all just what a person believes. The earth is around 4.5 billion years old in our dated  time. What about the mothership circuling earth , cant forget about it and farrakahn. What a fruitcake.

    Thank you for answering my question. May I respond to your comment?
    You said, “COMPARING THE PRESENCE OF GOD AND EVOLUTION? THESE ISSUES DEMONSTRATE NO CONFLICT IN MY MIND.” I don’t understand how you could have no conflict. In my mind if we accept the God of the Bible we must accept his words which conflict drastically with the evolution theory.

    In Ex 20:11 God shows us that the creation process took only one week. “For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and ALL THAT IS IN THEM,
    but he rested on the seventh day.’ This of course begs the question, “How long was the creation days?” If the days of creation were a million years long, and Adam was created on day 6 as stated in the Bible, and evidently lived through day seven. This would make Adam at least 1 million years old. Gen 5:5 NIV “Altogether, Adam lived 930 years, and then he died.” Gen 1:14 “And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky mark…days… the fourth day.’ If each day equaled a thousand years the purpose of his creating the stars failed. If each day equaled a thousand years, each nigh would have equaled at least 500 years which in turn would have killed all of the life on earth.
    Heb 4:3 “His work has been finished since the creation of the world.” I think we need help to understand these verses differently that what the literal meaning shows them to be.

    First of all evolution happended when the big bang exploded 10000000000000000s of atoms toghther going boom creating living organs then evolving to water reptiles animals mamoths and so on then land then monkeys but we don't exactly know that the human was created from the cave man because for all we know god could have created the big bang made living organs then so on



    Well we know what big bang created you, hope the big bang was better than the aftermath.

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