
    +20  Views: 5401 Answers: 56 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: philosophy

    This should have been a good question. It's certainly attracted interest. It's a pity so many of the views are negative.

    Geeze, daren1 - you came up with a question that resulted in 60 answers so far. That's awesome!

    56 Answers (31-56 Displayed)



    Also, right wing conservatives

    I agree. Then maybe we could get something done in this country.
    Animal cruelty
    landloards that are overbearing
    I watch FOX and MSNBC-- I can faithfully say that FOX news does voice a conservative viewpoint, they do NOT slander the liberal left with degrading remarks. MSNBC is constantly name calling and using hate in their message.. But I also see this as a plus for them as most hard left leaning liberals are also condescending in their remarks. I have seen it here.. I do watch both equally.. I feel that to better understand what is going on, one must see both sides of the story. MSNBC's ratings are lower than fox because not all people on the left agree with their slanderous attacks, look at Olberman.. Thank god he is gone, this guy couldn't make it in the sports field for the same reason, he is a hateful person and anyone thinking middle would seel that..

    Idiots, mostly left leaning dems.

    I would outlaw ....MONEY. Gee, I said it and the world did't come to an end. I have fond memories of trade and barter cultures where a persons skills and labor are valued and praised, where no one needed anything they could not make for themselves or trade their way to have. Money was so rare that most folk wouldn't know what it is if you had a pocket full of it. Money was made so you could sell your stuff today and buy stuff with your money later. But it has lots of problems. It can be stolen, conned out of your control by all sorts of devices leaving you with nothing for your labor. To me, money is simply a way too many people use to steal, for it to have any reliable value. My hand made tools and furnishings are more valuable to me than anything I see for sale in the stores for money to buy. My time is my own and money doesn't own me.

    Also Secrets and Lies that are used for personal gain or to control the opinions of others for self serving motives.

    Sin, think of it without sin what a wonderful world this would be.


    Think this through a little bit more. Without sin, there would be no need for redemption, no need to be saved; no need for Christ????
    Headless Man

    That was the original plan.......

    Outlaw stupid questions.



    I really agree, after reading the unanswered questions, most them are to silly to reply too.
    i would out law xxx movies,pics from the internet&t.v. cause once your a kid and you see that ur scared for life. sorry for any mis spellings.

    In a word: E V I L !!!

    If I could outlaw one thing world wide it would be CRIME, and I mean any crime from not wearing a helmet whilst riding a bike (motor or push)to genecide.

    Minorities trying to rule the world, such as the few, white, anglo saxon men attempting to do so.


    lead follow or eat out of garbage cans

    In Arizona, where I live, a misdemeanor becomes a felony if the perp is wearing a red mask; in TX, you cannot take more than 3 sips of beer in a row while standing up - sorry jhharlan and country bumpk! Bad news for ed shank - in PA it is illegal to sing in the bathtub. There are already too many laws!!!

    lazy people

    If there was only one law it should be to love.. the idea of making the only law something negative shows the inadequacy of such a law.


    It would be religion. And I know that a whole lot of you guys out there would wanna hang me on this one, but hey, that's my opinion on the above question,so!There are gonna be a lot of disagreements, but you know what? I will say this again and again that most of the problems we face in the world today are from our religious believes. Right from the beginning till now. Whether you folks out there like it or not, that's truth.


    i totally agree with you on that papaamukah, well said!!!!


    I would outlaw " FOX-NEWS " ... have you ever watched that channel ?


    One step up from tabloid TV. The funny thing is that they think they are at the same level as the big 3 networks.


    True. I'd love to see Access Hollywood and 60 minutes in the same time slot and see what would happen. Lol



    Because everyone loves entertainment and drama, two things they're good at. They don't just bring you the news, they dress it up and make a soap opera out of it.

    Headless Man

    They have a larger draw than the other 3 combined, including me.


    yes they do think that. Its amazing, they must all be in a alterded state of mind


    they would get their liberal asses kicked allover the country


    Well Randy, no one is perfect. Join the club


    The weird thing is they have the highest rating out of all the news channels, I like to watch a few of the shows on Fox. They claim to have the largest audience, and highest ratings.


    gleen beck claims to have the highest rateings of all
    No matter what you outlaw someone will break it. Maybe we should start with ourselves?
    I would outlaw all xsmokers who try and lord us active smokers with there "if I can do it so must you" mentality, also alcoholics who cast dispergence on we who like to have a drink after work and they can't

    Wow!  Are you intentionally asking for trouble??!   Staying out of this one..........................

    marnite horrible stuff

    Healthy people who walk up to the first stair of an escalator and just stand there. Usually the same guy who keeps pushing the cross-walk button to make the light change quicker.

    Watch whatever you want. thi is America. just don't try to shove it down my throat. PUKE ON FOX!!!!

    Ignorant people, oh, and the music business.

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