    My son is my best friend. does anyone have one of their children as their best friend?

    +1  Views: 329 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    not a good idea. He needs to establish his own identity and his own life, and so do you. It's like if you try to help a baby chick break out of an egg, you will damage him. Or like, if you touch a butterfly's wings just after he's hatched out of the cocoon, you'll damage him.
    If you get your adult son too close to everything you do, then, he'll be crippled if anything happned to you suddenly . He won't be able to stand on his own two feet.

    hope you're not using him for a substitute husband, such as having him to go to a movie with you, or using him to have someone to go to Europe with you or whatever.

    he won't be your best friend after he gets married. His wife will see to that. She'll probably engineer them moving far, far away, like my brother's wife did--- twice !!
    there's an old expression---''A son is a son till he gets him a wife. But a daughter is a daughter all of her life ''

    That's right, but I didn't have any daughters. I never expected this to happen. I never interfered, I never gave advice for anything. I kept a low profile. I read that some wives are jealous because they see us as competing for the affections of the son. The thing is, we are only mothers, not sexual competitors. It almost broke their marriage up and broke my heart. Now they have children and we are not allowed to see them. How dumb and controlling she is. My son told me in the beginning she was a controller.

    stantheman: My kids are my kids. I don't tell them the secrets that I would tell a friend. I doubt that you do either. Think about it. There's stuff they don't want to know!


    and most parents don't make their kids privy to every facet of their finances, etc.
    My daughter is my best friend,especially now that she is an adult herself.She helps me,i help her.We thank god,we have each other.

    I have a good and fun daughter. She brought her 3 little girls over and we fooled around with the camera and used the feature that creates funny photos. I don't think there has ever been so much laughter in this house.

    Yes, but his ugly wife put a stop to it. She was jealous. Wait till yours gets married.


    same with my brother and his bitchy wife. She always kept him and even the kids as far away from me as she could----b/c she's jealous, manipulating, immature, hatefull, controlling.

    Eggplant, I'm sorry that happened to you. My daughter-in-law was jealous of me and I was not jealous of her. I never see her anymore. My son and grandchild are fairly close but they're across the U.S. I wanted to write more but I deleted. You know? 

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