
    +13  Views: 4633 Answers: 31 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: religion



    Randy's story has converted me.I now believe in Snickers bars.:)

    lmbo hilarious!!!!!!

    31 Answers (31-31 Displayed)

    I had going through some bad times, I went through a divorce, my youngest daughter had become diabetic at age five. I was working three jobs and raising 4 kids alone, along with having some health problems of my own, complications from diabetes.
    I was at my shop and working by myself on a motorcycle, it was about noon. As a diabetic I knew I needed to eat, but I wanted to finish what I was doing. I would keep working on the motorcycle.
    It was about two p.m. when I realized that my sugar was getting low, as I haven't made any progress on what I was doing for several minutes. I had a Snickers bar in the refrigerator and got it out to eat and bring my sugar back up so I could finish the job.
    I started praying to myself as I ate the bar, feeling sorry for myself, asking God why people had to suffer, why do people need to go through hard times and why do bad things happen to good people. Divorce, death of loved ones, sickness especially with children.
    As I prayed my sugar was so low that I slipped into a diabetic coma, then something happened that I not sure that I can fully explain, I got an answer from God, all the sudden I knew the answers, I knew why good people go through bad times, I knew why all things good and bad happen. It was like I was seeing through Gods eyes, everything was so clear. I wanted to tell everyone what I had found out.
    Then I realized, I was sitting on a stool eating a Snickers bar, my sugar had come back to a level that I had come back to my right mind or should I say my human mind. As I couldn't remember what had just seemed so clear a few seconds earlier. I remembered the experience but not the details.
    However, now I didn’t feel sorry for myself anymore, I felt blessed. As I look back I don’t think my human mind could retain what God had reviled to me. However in my diabetic coma, I could stand to see a glimpse.
    I know God is in control and all will work out for the best. I still don’t understand sometimes how things will work out, but I know God knows and that's all that’s important.
    I’ve had many bad experiences since that day but I know they have all been for the good. I still don’t know why every experience has happened or what good can come from them. Only God knows that and who's life can be effected by us when we are living as he wants us to. That means not only when things are good but even more when things are uncomfortable, painful and scary. That's when our faith in God shows.
    looking for a miracle each and everyday

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