Answers: 6
We will all die, then what?
Answers: 32 Views: 3106 Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

I really hope that there is an afterlife, but I have not come across concrete proof that it does or doesn't exist. If the after life does exist, then I believe it exists within the world we live in but in another dimension. This may evolve or change into bliss or heaven. I also believe that our souls can only be moulded during our life time. Some thing that is most probably very easy to do, but we cant see it. When we die I believe that we regain this universal knowledge and wish we had paid a little more attention to our purpose in life. Mankind seems to be tempted too much by greed and other deadly sins insofar as to say that most of society is so far gone into this realm of evil that they do not see anything wrong with it. They even justify their action to help with the illusion. When death does come along the journey either begins with immense pain (hell) or elation (heaven). Obviously there are many different shades of grey and dependent on how much progress has been made during their lifetime on their souls would determine their shade. This again is only my opinion.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
unidentified flying object
Answers: 5 Views: 956 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Lights that were sighted during world war II that followed aircrafts that were on missions. Defo not alien sicko tourists but either from the future( this new movie they're trying to make ) or secret US spy planes.

Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
How do you picture a scientist in your Mind? Does it look like this?
Answers: 20 Views: 5040 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

I see scientists as running down the beach naked when really drunk or being laughed at by extremely beautiful girls when trying to make advances, however there is always exception to the rule.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Why a God?
Answers: 35 Views: 5878 Rating: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

God MUST exist. Without God people would not be good and fair. We need God to exist for humanity. God is our path to the after life. Humanity must become Godly. We must all banish evil from our souls so that we can enter without intrusion. Believe what you may. We all need to achieve this.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
what would you do?
Answers: 2 Views: 1178 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

If you see their faces assume they will kill you and yr family. Go along and tell authorities. If faces covered warn family not to try and look at them, and do what they say. Tell authorities after and write a letter to carry with you saying what is happening to you.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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