Answers: 12
Are all people named David Jewish?
Answers: 5 Views: 1856 Rating: -1 Posted: 13 years ago

My name is David and I'm definiteley not Jewish. In fact, I am not connected with any religion at all, although my late parents were Methodists.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 5 Views: 936 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

If he's not literate enough to write English coherently, he should tell a literate friend what he wants to say and then ask them to type his request for him.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 5 Views: 936 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Have you ever read what you've typed, Clark? One gigantically long sentence with no commars or full stops and no paragraphs and all in capital letters. Most people would give up on trying to read your post after two or three lines. How on earth were you taught at school to write or type so badly?

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Does "God" or the "Spirit Realm" actually exist?
Answers: 26 Views: 4860 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

All they'll learn you details of in a Christian church is what's in the Bible, a book written by many men thousands of years ago and a book the content of which has been chopped about and altered over millenia to suit the political climates of the different time periods it was written in. As a book, it neither proves nor disproves the existence of any God.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Find inmate pictures
Answers: 5 Views: 1832 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

If he's living in your neighbourhood at the present time, he isn't in prison and therefore, he isn't an inmate of anywhere.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Does "God" or the "Spirit Realm" actually exist?
Answers: 26 Views: 4860 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

Many scientists believe that there are many other dimensions besides the one we exist in, one of which may be the spirit realm, all co-existing at the same time, but vibrating at a higher rate of energy, so they are normally invisible to us. Certain gifted people, however, mediums and psychics, can make contact with the spirit world. As for reincarnation, there is enough evidence to consider it a possibility, but it seems that many souls, who may have had a very traumatic time in their recent earthly life, are forced to reincarnate before they have enough time for their trauma to be healed or before they are ready by spiritual bullies (yes, there are some right bastards over there, too).

There is, of course, no apparent logic to being forced to live one unhappy and traumatic lifetime after another because the more lives we have, the more we will become perfect enough to be with God. But God could have made all souls perfect in the beginning and then there would be no need for reincarnation...however, common sense doesn't seem to be one of God's traits.

As for me, I have no conscious memory of any previous life or lives. But that doesn't prove I never had any. Maybe it's a good thing that we don't remember our previous lives, as we have enough to cope with coping with our present life without remembering past traumas. However, although, generally speaking, conscious memories of previous lives are not carried over into the present life, emotional memories and talents from a previous life do sometimes get through by some sort of freak of nature. This would account for child progidies who can play the piano at four years of age like a professional when they've had no training...well, not in this life, anyhow. But this also demonstrates that if there is some kind of God or supreme being who set all this up, he isn't perfect and makes mistakes.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
What is the most unbelievable aspect of Christianity?
Answers: 97 Views: 22039 Rating: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

Or, has Harry Guardino as Barabbas in the 1961 epic King of Kings said as he looked at Jesus on the cross: "That man is dying in my place. Why should he do that? I never did anything for him."

Rating: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
Religion - WHY???
Answers: 63 Views: 5024 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

I've long been of the opinion that any God who let his own son die in excruciating agony on a Roman cross in Judea is not the kind of being I'd want for a friend, let alone a father.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
"Who provided the voice for Oliver in the 1968(?) film Oliver"
Answers: 3 Views: 1033 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Mark Lester's own speaking voice was used for his dialogue, but his singing was dubbed by Kathy Green, the daughter of the film's musical director.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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