Answers: 1
How many wrong decisions am I allowed to make in my life? I've I made a wrong decision, how do I go about changing it or do I suffer him for all eternity?
Answers: 8 Views: 607 Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
He says he loves me but he's emotionally distant. I've been married to him for nearly 17 years and most of that time he was working abroad. So the holiday romance is over, yes it took a bit longer than most peoples but there are 2 beautiful children involved whom I love very much. Yes, he holds the purse strings, and yes, I'm in therapy. 15 years ago I realised I made a wrong decision to marry him but it's for better or for worse isn't it. I'm in my late 30's reasonably attractive but after so many years how do you walk away and start over. How do you start over and what will happen to him. I still care about him but don't love him.
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

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