Answers: 56
when is justin beiber flying into melb
Answers: 3 Views: 708 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
Justin Beiber will perform in Melb (I'm guessing you mean Melbourne?) today, May 2, and tomorrow - May 3rd at the Rod Laver Arena. Hope this is the information you wanted...
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
How do I get Groupon to recognize my address is in Ottawa, Illinois, and not Ottawa Canada?
Answers: 1 Views: 717 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
To get Groupon recognize your adress in Ottawa, Illinois, you need to go to deals in Chicago, Illinois first and then on the top of the page you can change it to Ottawa.
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
What was the name of the band on American Idol on April 28, 2011? They had a dog on a sofa.
Answers: 1 Views: 462 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
The performance on American Idol on April 28, 2011 was Bruno Mars. The song was "The lazy song".
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
What kind of assistance is there for elderly people with medicare in Rochchester New York
Answers: 1 Views: 567 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Assistance for elderly people with medicare in Rochester, New York: here's some information about a few: and there's also home care: hope this was helpful!
Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
why is cannola oil healthier than vegetable oil
Answers: 1 Views: 774 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Cannola oil is healthier than vegetable oil because, such as olive oil, it helps lowering the cholesterol level in the blood and the oxygenation of LDL cholesterol (it's the bad cholesterol) and by that helps prevent heart diseases and atherosclerosis. Cannola oil has another advantage on olive oil - it contains Omega 3, that its consumption is related to decrease of the chance of heart attacks. Either way, the best thing is to vary in the oil you're using, because except Cannola oil there are other healthy oils, such as olive oil, sesame oil, peanuts oil etc, and some of them taste better in a salad, for example, than the Cannola oil...
Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
did will smith ever go bankrupt
Answers: 1 Views: 1242 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Will Smith didn't go bankrupt, but he wasn't far from it. At the year 1990, just before he started filming the TV show "the Fresh prince from Bel Air", he was nearly bankrupt after he freely spent his money from his early rap career, and got to a high tax debt (2.8 million dollar!). But no worries - he's now a very rich man, with many blockbuster movies, and now his kids are also movie stars...
Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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