Answers: 38
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I think the key here is to really think about what the letters "U", "F", and "O" mean: unidentified, flying, object. Simplistic, really, but necessary to realize. I believe we have all seen things in the sky that we can't readily identify. I've seen series of streaks like low comets at night from our remote house balcony. There were 7 or 8 that came out of nowhere and moved roughly north to south at perhaps 1,000 yards high. They were visible for about 2 minutes, stayed together, and then moved from that low and relatively slow trajectory to a rapid ascent almost straight up, where they disappeared. Many people in our community called law enforcement, but nobody ever had an answer. Do I think they were aliens? I can't say one way or another for sure, but I'm guessing that some military test was under way.

Rating: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
can any one tell me how many f's are in this statement
Answers: 11 Views: 1657 Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

I see 6, if I include your question and phrase together. I wonder why you are asking this question! What led you to ask it?

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
how old do you have to be not to use a car booster?
Answers: 4 Views: 1251 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

It is not age, but height that makes the use of a booster seat an issue. I'm not sure that it is four feet or 42", but I would think a visit to a site like WebMD or a call to a pediatrician would give you a definitive answer.
Sounds like your mum loves you a lot! But you seem to be embarrassed by the situation. Do some research, using credible sources, and then have a discussion with her about it. If you do need a booster seat still, then don't worry. You may feel that all your friends laugh at you. But, at your age, kids tend to find ways to tease each other one way or the other. What is important that you see yourself as strong and worthwhile in the face of teasing. Everyone, whether you believe it or not, even the seemingly "perfect" kid, is teased from time to time. Life is like that. How you deal with sticky sticky situations can be a real learning opportunity for you. Don't let things get you down. Remain positive and keep telling yourself that you are exactly the way you are supposed to be and, no matter what others say, you know the truth.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
What is the most unbelievable aspect of Christianity?
Answers: 97 Views: 22102 Rating: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

The things that have always made me think, "Hmmmm" are the ages given of people in Deuteronomy, and the miraculous things like walking on water, turning water into wine, and the nature of the Trinity. But here's the thing: all of the hard-to-believe things don't make the Bible untrue. I have learned that the ages of people can either be due to a difference in measuring age from then and from now, or to a possibility that people really did live longer. Also, if there were only commonplace events with Jesus, would he only be a carpenter and teacher? I see a lot of answers that espouse separating science and religion. Science is a kind of religion, just not in the minds of the really science-minded people. People haven't always needed hard proof. That does not mean folks from longer ago were ignorant. They were "swimming" in the waters of their day, and saw things differently. The Bible provides accounts of these things that were witnessed not just by one, but by many, and there is a long line of communication that went from person to person directly from then up until now. So, lets not argue about whether science or religion need to be separated. Lets not argue over the merits of either. Faith is a component of a person that cannot be scientifically measured. It is a good exercise to examine religion because it is a very real and important aspect of life, whether one is a believer or not. I believe it is good for kids to be taught about both science and religion so that they can hone their minds to be more curious, more involved in their thinking. The more questions, the better.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
I'm bored!
Answers: 11 Views: 1690 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

I think when people find themselves bored, it is because they don't have enough important tasks to accomplish. I say "important" because there are always things to do; if we know there are all these things to do, and we are still bored, then we need a direction to go in, and things to accomplish to get there. Set a goal for yourself, whether it is to plan an event for someone, finish education, continue education, or be creative. So, whatever fires you up can be the starting point. For instance, one of my sons plays World of Warcraft, and has for over 6 years. He had built up his avatar to the point that there were no more goals for him in that way. So he was invited into leadership but, over time, got bored with the raiding. So, he is now writing articles for a game magazine. That interests him a lot, and it includes deadlines. He's fully engaged with what he is doing. He's no longer bored because he took something he loved and found a way to turn it into a side job. So, look at what you love, and envision taking that thing to a level that will give you the focus you need. Good luck!

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
home renovation qustions, ask me been doing it for 30 years
Answers: 6 Views: 1498 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

We are renovating a building to be used as a gun shop and indoor shooting range. One wall of this building, which helps surround the indoor range, is composed of concrete squares lined up. It is quite unattractive from the outside. I am wondering if there are any methods for making this kind of concrete wall smoother, and if it can be painted. Will the paint adhere to concrete and stay there for years? What can I use to fill in the seams if I do decide to paint it. Do you know anything about wall wraps? I'd love to have a scene with hunters and/or law enforcement scenarios, or even a mural that looks like something out of the movie "Tombstone." Also, can corrugated metal take paint and keep it? Do you know the best outlet for large amounts of carpet squares? Our showroom has a laminate floor that looks like parquet, but the previous owner apparently used different runs of the tiles, and I would like to cover some areas in carpet squares of commercial grade indoor/outdoor squares so that we can both cover the irregular tiles, and also be able to replace squares if they become too stained. Thanks for taking questions like this!!!

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Fighting every sec. of my life...
Answers: 12 Views: 1368 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

mscutiepiez, I'm sorry you are in this situation. While I hear in your words that you know what to do, it seems that you are somehow in conflict over taking the step of leaving. Where does that come from? If you have a network of people that care about you, let them in on the problem, and allow them to help you feel more empowered. Nobody should live like you are living! Any change can be scary, right? What is the worst that can happen from being afraid of making this change? You will have a period of time in which you will feel like a boat without a rudder. But the world is yours for the taking! Reinvent yourself, and begin leading a life in which you are given positive messages about yourself, and where you do kind things for yourself. I, myself, found myself in a similar situation two years ago. I left, and I was terrified. For three months, I was gone, and my children were angry with me (although they are grown men). My husband wasn't cheating, and he wasn't ignoring me; but he was verbally abusive and hurtful. In my case, I went back. Things aren't perfect for me, but I realized while I was gone that my husband was unwell. I chose to go back and be helpful to him, and to love him as we worked through our issues. You may never go back; in fact, I don't think you should - your circumstances are different. But I tell you this because those were the scariest months of my life. it was like the world had dropped out from under my feet. During that separation, however, I learned a lot about myself. I found out I was actually worthwhile; I made new friends that supported me through it. I worked as a substitute teacher during that time, and remembered how skilled I was as a teacher. I found new energy and a sense of well-being over time. You can move on, and weather the scary time that it takes you to find your footing. I normally would not make such a bold statement to a stranger like this, but I think it is time to take that leap of faith and move on.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
i need to live a normal life
Answers: 8 Views: 1815 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Talk to any close friend, a minister, or a counselor. You seem very depressed. But we are all worthwhile, so don't give up on trying. Do something, any little thing, every day, that is a step toward getting out there in the world and toward a goal. Even if it is just walking to the mailbox to get the mail, that gets you out of the house. The next day, wave at a neighbor. Call a friend the next day, and tell her or him at least one good thing. And try to cultivate those friendships that are positive in nature, so that you begin to pick up some of the good energy. Gradually, you will have moved closer to a sense of happiness. I don't know why you lost your kids. That is a devastating thing. You must miss them. Maybe you feel like a failure. Whatever you may have done wrong in the past, today is a new day, and tomorrow can hold a dream for you that is happy. There is nothing on this earth that cannot be solved, even if you think it is hopeless right now. Please don't shut yourself away and let yourself sink any farther into depression. You can fix this. But I believe you need a good, strong, positive network of people that care about you, and want to see you feeling better.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
positive statement unborn from negativity
Answers: 4 Views: 742 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

Yes! Positive thinking has been shown to lead to positive outcomes in all areas of a person's life! For instance, when you believe yourself to be worthwhile and with something to offer the world, those around you feel that energy, and interact with you on a more positive level. When you believe you can do something, then most likely you will succeed at it. If everyone were to look at the world through eyes colored by positive thinking, we would see a general upswing in acts of kindness, fewer acts of violence, less unemployment, and more fulfilled families. It would be like a wave sweeping over the world, cleansing it of hatred and deceit. I appreciate your comment so much. I try to surround myself with people who are positive so that I stay positive, even faced with the usual life road bumps. Well said, Cucumber.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
Who's the best Guitar player ever?
Answers: 65 Views: 8120 Rating: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

Zackk Wylde! His pings are outstanding, and his range of techniques are unsurpassed.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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