Answers: 2
CLOSED: the 7 year please answer this too
Answers: 9 Views: 1806 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

7 YR ITCH Fix-ups

1. Talk to the wife, she wants to know you love HER only.

2. Have sex with your husband, he NEEDS sex and respect.

3. Talk and cuddle intimately BEFORE heavy sex sessions.

4. ASK each other what you each need from the relationship.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
Did Islam make the world a better place?
Answers: 21 Views: 4853 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

What good is Islam?

  1. They are monotheists; of course, so are Satan-worshipers.
  2. They build beautiful architecture; of course, after they destroy whatever beautiful architecture was there beforehand.
  3. They discovered zero; of course, so did the Mexican pre-Columbian peoples (independently.)
  4. They are great at death and destruction; of course, first, the Chinese discovered gun powder.
  5. They don't believe Jesus is God. Wait, there goes the first point again- Muslims as Satan worshipers.
  6. They are great scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians; of course, they also believe no holocaust happened (and there are many, many more useful discoveries and more philanthropic deeds by the Jews and Christians.)
  7. They truly believe it's "my way or the highway;" of course, death is the highway.

So, what good is Islam? They add diversity to a beautiful world; of course, like the snake in the garden.**

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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