Answers: 2
how can i tell if a diamond is fake
Answers: 9 Views: 647 Rating: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
If you are serious about this, consider taking a class in gemstones at your local community college. I attended a free lecture on buying diamonds once, and learned that the best diamonds have a some kind of authentication etched on a side facet that can be seen under a microscope. Also, diamonds come in a wide range of grades with corresponding prices. It's worth learning the grading system, and getting yourself the magnifying "monocle" that gem experts use, and learning how to use it. Until you gain the expertise, the best thing is probably to get it appraised by a reliable jeweler.
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
why do some people have trouble absorbing iron into their blood
Answers: 3 Views: 501 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
I have had that problem. A couple of years ago I was prescribed an iron preparation that contained B-12, folic acid and vitamin C, and within the month my iron absorption had improved and raised my hemoglobin to normal. When I was much younger, I accomplished the same thing on my own after reviewing nutrition information by drinking a daily cocktail of V-8 juice blended with a serving of brewer's yeast and lemon juice along with my over the counter ferrous sulfate. It doesn't taste wonderful, so I chugged it. So now when I suspect that my iron is low because I feel tired, I increase my consumption of folic acid, B-12 and C. In fact, I take low to moderate amounts for maintenance and rarely feel that iron deficiency fatigue any more.
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

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