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what is camomile tea good foe
Answers: 2 Views: 544 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Chamomile Camomile herbal plant around a height of about 15-50 cm, leg quick growth of many branching and flowering after 6-8 weeks of germination, and leaves alternate feathery and fragmented into small elongated filiform. And plant smell refreshing characteristic, and inflorescence and flowers surrounding Alsiiip white flowers Interior tubular and yellow. Live animal in the fields and on the outskirts of the valleys and around houses and on rooftops in some countries. Chamomile is known scientifically as Matricaria Chamomilla is the wild type, while there is another type known as Anthemis nobelis and shape is different from the type I and both contain the active substances or influential. And chamomile plants abdominal months is absolutely devoid of it is hardly a house of our homes, people come back to Him as soon as they feel pain in the abdomen, or colic was caused by something else. Part of the plant used chamomile blossoms. What are the contents of the chamomile flowers? - Containing flowers chamomile oil pilot up rate to 1.5% of the flowers dry and extracted oil using steam distillation and oil chamomile viscous liquid, heavy textures, color blue freezes cooling in zero degrees centigrade and has a scent of chamomile known and the most important contents of the volatile oil Alvabeissapoulo (alpha bisabolol) and Beissabol oxides A (Bisabolol oxide A) and Beissapoulol oxides B (Bisabolol oxide B) and Beissapulon oxides A (Bisabolone oxeide A) and beta-Trans Farnsin (Beta - trans - Farnesene) and Kmasulin (Chamaxulene) and characterized this compound, turquoise blue, which gives color to the oil Alababobnj and Sbatolinol ( Spathulenol) also contains flowers on Flavonnerat mainly flavone Gelakizoid (Flavone glycosides), and Ajlecon Egtin (Aglycones apigenin), and Ioteulen (Luteoline) and Krizorieul (Crysoeriol), and Flanonol Gelaikozyd (Flavonol glycosidec) and Koirstin (Quercetin) and ISO Erhamtin (iserhamntin) and routine (Rutin) . It also contains flowers on the hydroxy coumarin (Hydroxycoumarins) and the most important vehicles Ampeleveron (Umbeliferone) and Hernearin (Herniarin) as well as the fluid materials by 10%. Active ingredients: Containing 1% essential oil contains Alcamasulin Blue and others. Actors are available in chamomile The article is an article Alozulin effective gain chamomile healing effect, and it properties, such as olive oil, which contains unsaturated fatty acids, many chemical familiarity, quick integration to other materials for the installation of useful materials from them. In order to differentiate between the substance being Alozulin in chamomile and Alozulin found in other plants, has called on the name of chamomile azulene azulene Cham. A blue color and come out of chamomile tea, if it or if the flowers were exposed to water vapor in the laboratory. Medicinal properties: - Of the unique characteristics of chamomile that he has fulfilled resistant to the occurrence of dreams alarming or nightmares in addition to that, soothing the body and soul together, and so it is useful in cases of insomnia, depression, fear and psychological crises in general and which increase during chance exposure to the occurrence of nightmares. - Using the powder of flowers from abroad for the treatment of skin infections and wounds and sores in the mouth and inflammation of the nail. And steam boiled flowers used for inhalation in the case of inflammation of the airways: the nose, throat and trachea. - The emulsion used flowers from the outside to wash the infected eyes Balrmd, and work to address the vaginal washing vaginal secretions white or foul, or abscesses of the skin in general. Where was sitting in a bathtub by these flowers that the disinfectant and kills fungus Candida .. It also kills bacteria cluster. And boiled chamomile is useful for cases of digestive disorders, antispasmodic and antipyretic. Chamomile is used in cosmetic medicine. - Chamomile can work to heal the inflammation. Vchwi chamomile compresses, for example skin infections quickly, and chamomile can also work the same action of antibiotics in the healing of inflammation. If any of it to boil and inhaled the person, he was able to remove the inflammation of nasal and frontal inlets quickly, and that eliminates all bacteria found within a short time. - Chamomile and helps to raise the reactions occurring in the stomach, and other sections of the digestive system, eliminates cramping of the stomach and intestines and sometimes bitterness. Moreover, the he could ease the pain of menstruation. - Chamomile also helps to heal wounds is healed quickly, especially in those places of the body that becomes difficult to deal with the surgeon, Kalksm lower leg. Here, the surgeon can handle chamomile compresses or ointments from the vehicle, Vtendml after a short time. Chamomile is also working on healing of ulcers infectious. - Chamomile improves the immune system and increase white blood cells. Diseases that can be dealt with Chamomile: Should not dispense with chamomile in our house, in any case, where we can use in first aid in case of diarrhea or colic, gastric and intestinal and colic bitterness, and makes him tea strong and drink in this case, the doses, which is a lot of interest in reducing menstrual pain. Chamomile also helps to expel gases generated in the intestines, and calm the nerves. And describe the medical books also use chamomile tea in the treatment of gastric ulcers and plays Alozulin here an important role in healing, and to walk in the treatment of gastric ulcers Balbapunj a particular way, that addresses the patient chamomile tea, and then lies down for five minutes on his back, like that on his left side, then on his stomach Finally, on the right side, thus ensuring the passage of chamomile tea on the various walls of the stomach. We must follow this system because the tea leaves the stomach quickly if the patient upright after eating. It can also address the extracts and some other drugs prescribed by a doctor for this purpose and follow the same method to use. If they were dealt with chamomile in a focused manner for a long time, it was possible so that healing of inflammatory bowel due mainly to factors and psychological crises. The fumes can be used in the treatment of chamomile flu and pneumonia Arashouhat. Here, water is heated in the fire Kdraly and deliver the sort of chamomile, and then covering the head with a large pot with a piece of cloth and the patient starts to breathe steam chamomile for a quarter of an hour at least, who shall chamomile to kill these bacteria and increase inflammation. Chamomile is used in water treatment eyes, wash them well, but advised caution and consult a doctor before come up to do so. If I want to packaging chamomile tea, you should not be boiled in water, but pour boiled water over it and then filtered and taken. Recent tests have shown that this method is the best way to extract the largest possible quantity of a substance Alozulin and other nutrients in other chamomile. Should not be a lot of tea and chamomile, because that would lead in this case the opposite effect, feels the person of heaviness in the head and the headache when you do move the head, and seized by the pain, each time shaking the body, and defects dizziness and nervous, Unit mood and insomnia, that is, haunted by all those symptoms that is described in chamomile control. Has been used chamomile compresses, who drink water Chamomile Almsthsal after casting four to five liters of hot water to two injections of flowers, in the treatment of colic and other after placed over the stomach. And can be mixed other medical herb chamomile, of course, we are here to offer three examples.: For example, that we can make tea houses in the light conditions of stomach disorders, Venmzj 30 grams of mint with thirty grams of Alturnjan with forty grams of chamomile, and we take this combination of a spoon or two spoons of tea and make him the amount of a cup of tea for this purpose. Or that we are preparing tea on the same image, combining the two tenths grams of fennel Forty grams of olives and the likes of chamomile. We can address some of the conditions of gastrointestinal drinking tea was Todiba of licorice, chamomile, and fennel and Ghassoul, to be taken, including the amounts are the same, and the packaging tea by the way the above-mentioned also, is not taken of this tea is only a cup of one evening, unless the doctor prescribes otherwise. And flowers, chamomile is used extensively Kmhim in Europe is chamomile distinctive for the treatment of digestive problems, including peptic ulcers because it is doing drugs for Adthabat and anti-colic, convulsions, and antiseptic as well as properties rain of the stomach, and said that if he had a sore it would not be used is chamomile with Licorice. Use flowers like chamomile tea to fill a tablespoon of flowers fill the cup soaked in water has been boiled for ten minutes then strain and drink twice a day. There are of chamomile tea in the form of cosmetics and cosmetic regulated. Chamomile flowers, chamomile flowers, we talked about chamomile to treat uterine bleeding. It contains chamomile flowers on the volatile oil and the most important compound which is Brozulin also contains Flavo Neidat Gelokozydat and time and materials Kumarinat Afsip. Used flowers Alballnj Kamadadp-inflammatory and anti-colic and Mrgep of the muscles of the body and repelling gas or flatus and anti-allergy against the colon. The recipe that can stop excessive menstrual bleeding is to fill a tablespoon of flowers, chamomile and placed in a cup and pour the boiling water immediately and then left to soak for 10 minutes, then drain well and drink and can drink a cup three times a day and between or before meals and warns eating boiled chamomile after a meal directly because it may cause pain in the stomach sometimes.
Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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