Answers: 11
On the average are akaQA people smarter than people who don’t participate?
Answers: 22 Views: 1162 Rating: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

Well, despite my "bitchy-ness," I really wasn't trying to battle anyone.

There was no plea for help - I spoke candidly about who I am and why I do what I do. My doctor helps my anxiety - not my peers on the net (at least not with the meds lol).

Umbriel - I feel that you speak for the intentions of others a bit too heavily. Itsmee read my initial response and was pleased enough with it, so continuing to assume she was looking for much more is not your place - she can speak for herself and did.

The "sample group" was representative of board members across the net as a whole, for as I said, there's nothing about the members of this board that evidences a unique niche that I'm not yet qualified to respond to. I've been a moderator on several boards in the past, over the better part of a decade, and have responded to thousands of posts from all walks of life. The majority of these people find help in what I have to say... the rest recoil from my intensity - both fair responses. What's unfair is to say that my response was in any way off topic or not driving towards a solution to the original question.

I didn't think I misaddressed your response, because in it you were welcoming a new member - well, I was by far and wide the "new guy" when you posted that (if by sheer number of posts alone)... so I could only logically assume it was directed towards me – despite its placement on the board, I haven’t mastered this board’s format yet. If it was directed towards anyone else, then my response still holds water, as no one elected you as the "decider" of who has the ability to respond with validity or not. People who dig around for answers and are curious probably all have some experience with groups of people in similar settings, and need not be judged by anyone else for attempting to dig a little deeper for some resolution.

I asked you some questions about what makes you more qualified than me, and you again flipped it around into a lecture instead of addressing what i asked you... no one I know responds favorably to such attitudes - but I'm patient and can handle people who feel they need to speak for everyone else.

Do not call me Hair-Trigger, as you're bordering on insult. I closed by calling myself "(hair)Trigger-Fun in jest of myself, not as ammo for you to recycle against me.

Please don't perpetuate this argument, and if you can, please answer the questions I laid forth:

What makes this board unique enough where someone with experience with these matters can't answer, simply because they haven't thrown out a million responses yet?

At what point did I generalize about this board without at least noting similar patterns observed elsewhere that lends credibility to my response?

Most importantly, what was so special about your contribution that allows you to sit on your high horse and pick apart my response by the use of semantics alone?

Why should I take what you have to say to heart if you are not willing to respond to my questions or comments like a person with any respect to their peers?

I could go on, but I'm afraid you'll try to pick apart the small things and ignore the actual "meat" of my posts.

If this elevates any further then I will just yield to you and make sure to stay out of your way, though I must say, you seem to have a pretty big chip on your shoulder. I know i do - hell, it's big enough to make tostadas for everyone lol, but at least I'm willing to be critical of myself. It's your turn to maybe look at how you handled it and show some humility.

Separately, thank you all very much for caring responses regarding my wife. She's only 23 and suffers anemia and crippling menstrual cramps - it's not cancer, but it certainly when she gets the flue immediately at the onset of her period, life kinda blows for her. That's not a pity card I'm trying to play, I'm just letting everyone know what exactly she has to deal with, as so many of you seem very caring. On top of all that, two weeks ago her mother died unexpectedly from cardio-myoptahty at age 49. Two months ago my cousin and best man died because a drunk driver smashed into him going approx. 80mph down a one way. All 3 people (including the drunk) died immediately. He was 25, completely sober, and engaged to marry this March. I say this so you all can understand a little if my brain seems scrambled - this double loss is near unbearable - but I keep trucking on 'cuz life ain't gonna slow down or grind to a halt to allow me to grieve... even my boss refused to give me time off to take care of my wife thru all this so I told him to fuck himself and quit to be with my wife.

He just called back and asked if, when I'm ready, to come back to work for him. Of course I had to accept it for the sake of money.

That's what's happening on my end, so the thought of an internet battle is just too damn silly to care about.

Apologies to all those who I've offended, but compassion is coming at a premium from me right now.

Despite that, I still care enough to attempt to make things right and also provide some help for those in need.


Rating: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
On the average are akaQA people smarter than people who don’t participate?
Answers: 22 Views: 1162 Rating: 8 Posted: 12 years ago


This was not actually just a question tailor made for 'veterans' of the site, but in reality a very real, very general sociological question that anyone who's observed a large enough sample group could answer.

The way you judged and assessed my intentions was strikingly similar to someone responding possessively over this community as if they (you) have earned some golden insight from spending so much time on it.

By questioning my status of my membership and not the content or merit of my post puts the burden on you to explain exactly what you said that was more profound or revealing than me, and exactly what makes this message board significantly different than the countless other boards peppering the net.

You seem popular and well liked, so even though you didn't give me the benefit of the doubt, I will give you such and assume that your intelligence will compel you to re-read my response and show how I, in any way, generalized about the members of this board. I took the question and applied my understanding of the phenomena - never once specifically mentioning anything or anyone specific to this board or outside my realm of understanding.

I'm not here to impress members like you - as I said I'm driven to help those might be willing to listen based off the merit of my words and not my "social status." I also don't need a welcoming crew by someone immediately assuming a higher ground than me, nor would i give heed to your "warning" about staying good, as if I would ever need that. If me being real doesn't agree with your view of a good member i couldn't care less. I'm stuck in my ways because in life they've rarely led me astray – and I couldn’t ask for more from life and still be reasonable.

It's a good thing I love talking and love typing - that way I can express myself as clear as possible to people without being bothered doing it, and can defend my strong and possibly bizarre beliefs in full.

I've had a horribly long, sleepless week nursing a sick wife, and really have a hair trigger at the moment, so it’s too bad that you bore the brunt of it – as you seem a nice person (nicer than me surely).

If that offended you I'm truly sorry, but that's life how I see it - maybe you should try showing some more respect to new members; pointing out that I'm 'literate' and 'coherent' is like saying I'm educated and able to string a sentence together - in a way just not very complimentary and reminiscent of those who brag because they’ve never gone to jail or something of the like...these should be the bare minimum we expect from society on average.

On an important note, I'm just glad that the person asking the question found something worthwhile in what I said.... job over IMO.



Rating: 15 Posted: 12 years ago
what is mocd
Answers: 3 Views: 2400 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

MOCD is not a known illness (save for some possible jargon), or you wouldn't have ended up here when google could sort that all out for you.  Maybe you misheard OCD, which was mentioned by DrEd.

How did you hear about it and/or what do you know about it?

Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
On the average are akaQA people smarter than people who don’t participate?
Answers: 22 Views: 1162 Rating: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

Leaning heavily towards no. There are people who collect data and knowledge across the many mediums, and those who can't shut up about sharing it. Since I never stop "participating" - i.e. spastically moving around boards and attempting to act like I'm not naive as a counter-balance to my crushing anxiety - people think I'm not too dim...some even think I'm smart...but my wife collects data in the same fashion as me in her spare time, except she doesn't feel the need to expend her time going crazy answering questions like these, and she's pretty damn bright.

Maybe it's more of an "ethical calling" to spend your time and wisdom guiding those that will likely care little of the effort "participants" put forth.

Tell me that if you can.


Rating: 11 Posted: 12 years ago
number of nuetrons in lithium
Answers: 1 Views: 432 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

Don't know why this took so long to answer...

Elemental lithium has 3 neutrons in its most common form.

I hope my answer was less vague than the question.

Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
What is the best liver cleansing diet?
Answers: 1 Views: 624 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

Milk thistle and wheatgrass are supposed to be great for that, the former more than any I think. Chlorophyll is also good. Plus cutting down/stopping any alcohol use and processed food is big if that's an issue. With a fresh foods/fruits/greens diet you can't go wrong.

Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
what is a paranoid delusion
Answers: 7 Views: 721 Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

When someone has the false belief that something is occurring and still believes it (not the same as hallucinations for a few reasons) - in this case it's usually the false belief that someone or something is after you to harm you somehow.

Edit: this is the (sadly) more common manifestation of it from drug use, though it could also be something asinine and able to live with - the unrelenting hold it has on the person is the most common 'physical' characteristic.


Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
which nervous system cells form a blood brain barrier
Answers: 1 Views: 521 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

Wow... good one.  I'm ruling out the traditional neuron, whose axons and dendrites wouldn't be needed...

Isn't it most likely a layer of phospho-lipids that form a membrane specific to the task of sorting out all that is turned away from the brain and the relative few allowed in?

If this was too vague then I hope there's someone really well-learned in nuerology or related studies, because even after classes in nuero-pharmacology, the exact mecahnics of the BBB were seemingly ignored or put on hold for the more advanced classes.

What course are you taking?

Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
What do you think of this quote? "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." E. R.
Answers: 6 Views: 758 Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

Great minds discuss ideas through thesis work, often times rambling off on the few who would listen. Average minds get force-fed the news through their t.v.'s - which have the power to dictate whether or not something is an event or otherwise - and in turn average minds remain fixated on "events." Small minds are the disturbingly large percentage of people who are totally unaware of ideas, and uninformed about events... as predictable as gravity they live in their ego-centric, ethno-centric, and sociologically blind masses, all constantly obsessed with what some other idiot is doing.

In saying that my ego, unfortunately, may appear swollen - but keep in mind, I don't know any more if I qualify for any of those groups...

"Generalizations can be dangerous, even that one."


Rating: 5 Posted: 12 years ago
what is speed of light"
Answers: 4 Views: 454 Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

The approx. of 300,000 km/s or 186,000 miles/second are both quite close (exact speed is pointless until you need it for math at that level).

This is the fastest speed attainable in Eintsein's known universe - often called the "cosmic speed-limit," etc...

It's a truly mindblowing speed, and no particle of matter can travel at it's exact speed - but reaching 99.9999%  of it is totally fine with our understanding of physics.

Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

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